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Changing Skyrim's Max RAM usage.


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Hi! So, In Oblivion, you could change the amount of RAM that you could allow the game to use, allowing it to pre-load textures

or something like that, which enabled higher graphics settings without much of a strain on FPS. I checked in the Skyrimprefs.ini and I can't seem

to find any settings in there that are the same as the ones in the Oblivion.ini. Anyone care to lend me a hand?

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You will notice improvement with high-res texture mods, if you look in the task manager, but since there are no packs avaible as of yet, you will probably have to wait for that.


I recall there is one command concerning the memory size in the ini, that is used safely together high-res texture mods, but i forgot which one it is (ojo's pack on fallout new vegas nexus should have the info in the description tab).

Edited by Nadimos
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I had a lot of problems with steam CTD'ing so I googled it and on the steam forums a guy had a link here with a LAA [i think that was it] program that allowed up to 8 gig use. He claimed it helped lower CTD's but I don't see any huge difference. I just save a lot, like every 20 minutes and it works out ok for me.


My rig defaulted to ultra high and I get good FPS so i'm running smooth and the game looks super awesome. I though BF3 was pretty, but this game takes the top spot. I keep thinking about all the work the devs did in this world and it's stunning quite honestly. the game is tons bigger than i thought it would be.

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