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New pc Build

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Helllo i am just posting my future build here, so i can sort and argue over my personal trust in to my instincts when it comes to pc building. I'm Completely confused what Card i should by, Sense the gtx 1080 is out across the border, here in Canada its not out yet.


I have a friend of mine who can order stuff over the United states way. Its a heck allot cheaper there that's for sure.


makes and models do matter.


under 500$ is a good buy 0.o



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Nope going high end, the last cheap card that i owned died three days in. I will never go cheap. I a true pc gamer. It it can't play skyrim 200fps or higher then its a no go, even if its not recommended to play without vsync.


Getting ready for the special edition of Skyrim coming October.

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See, that's the problem. People overdo their units to the point where there's lots of unused potential in their hardware and all they're going to use it for is for one menial task like going ultra on a game that a less expensive card can pretty much handle on stock settings with objective ease.


Unless you're doing 4k video rendering or 3d sculpting a GTX980 is pretty much asinine. Its like buying a Quadro card and only using it for facebook games.

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It doesn't across the Border, here in Canada



gtx 980 is still over kill for the build I'm doing, reference point for my performance standards.


same price as the gtx 1070



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