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Wow, is there any need for the personal attack, fireundubh? We already got the characters naked anyway. I for one look forward to a nice nude mesh coming out. For me nude mods are more immersive because undies were unknown in the sort of medieval world that Elder Scrolls inhabits.


Pete Hines seemed to me to be having a pop at ALL PC gamers. It's also pretty clear to me that Bethesda seem to have contempt for the PC user and are bowing down to the Microsoft and the console crowd by another gigantic indicator - that awful, abysmal UI which shrieks console. They have even dumbed down chargen for Skyrim- I liked being able, in Oblivion to make detailed facial changes to things like the nose and chin because I play females and, sorry to tell you, but one of the things that distinguishes us gals from the guys (apart from boobies and lack of...ummm...other appendages)is that we mostly have smaller chins and jaws, and mostly smaller noses too. But in Skyrim, we can have dirt and warpaint but we cannot manipulate the facial features. To me that's not acceptable, and roll on a mod to chargen like Dragon Age had. I need that CS to try and hack about at those awful elf faces, and also to add more hair colours if I can, though there are other modders, including Kendo 2, who specialise in that kind of cosmetic mod and would make a better job than me. Why no proper red hair, by the Nine? Do Beth also hate gingers?

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They have even dumbed down chargen for Skyrim- I liked being able, in Oblivion to make detailed facial changes to things like the nose and chin because I play females and, sorry to tell you, but one of the things that distinguishes us gals from the guys (apart from boobies and lack of...ummm...other appendages)is that we mostly have smaller chins and jaws, and mostly smaller noses too. But in Skyrim, we can have dirt and warpaint but we cannot manipulate the facial features. To me that's not acceptable, and roll on a mod to chargen like Dragon Age had. I need that CS to try and hack about at those awful elf faces, and also to add more hair colours if I can, though there are other modders, including Kendo 2, who specialise in that kind of cosmetic mod and would make a better job than me. Why no proper red hair, by the Nine? Do Beth also hate gingers?


Of course you can change facial features, just like you could in Oblivion or did I misunderstand your post? I concur that finding something in this horrible UI is quite the work though.

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Quote from Pete Hine's Tweet about the release of the construction kit.


"Looks like their reach slightly exceeded their grasp and that means PC gamers will have to wait a bit longer to make all the characters nude."


Obviously a console fan. Funny, the obvious contept for PC users. Well, at least BethSoft can can blubber to Microsoft and show they are supporting the 360 platform over the PC version.

I think he's just having a fun jab. :) There have been tons of threads across the net asking "When will we see a nude mod" or something along those lines. I don't see where you're reading favor towards the console crowd, since they won't have the capability for creating mods in the slightest.

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Wow, is there any need for the personal attack, fireundubh? We already got the characters naked anyway. I for one look forward to a nice nude mesh coming out. For me nude mods are more immersive because undies were unknown in the sort of medieval world that Elder Scrolls inhabits.

That wasn't a personal attack; that was social commentary. This is a personal attack: you clearly don't know the history of underwear. But it's a fairly weak attack since, well, not many have ever thought, "Where did underwear come from?" In fact, underwear has been prevalent since at least the dawn of civilization. The oldest evidence of underwear, the loincloth, is 7,000 years old. Humans were hunter-gatherers 10,000 years ago. From an evolutionary perspective, underwear serves a protective function, so I wouldn't be surprised if underwear was in use by the first homo sapiens.


I don't see where you're reading favor towards the console crowd, since they won't have the capability for creating mods in the slightest.

Bethesda is reportedly working with the console manufacturers to devise a method of enabling mods for console games.

Edited by fireundubh
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I don't care if you think that was not a personal attack, from where I sit, and it's a seat that matters, that was a personal attack. I'm debating with myself whether you are getting strikes or whether you will go straight to ban.


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I don't care if you think that was not a personal attack, from where I sit, and it's a seat that matters, that was a personal attack. I'm debating with myself whether you are getting strikes or whether you will go straight to ban.

Do what you will. You deleted my post, thereby preventing anyone else from judging the post for themselves. I explained the reason behind the tweet and nothing more.



It's merely hidden, the staff are the only ones who need to be able to "judge" for the moment, at least. It would have been fine if you didn't make the snarky callout at the end, as if wanting anatomically correct models to clothe in the underwear of our own choosing was any reason to be ashamed. Furthermore I have a news flash for you, people have been getting naked since the dawn of humanity. -mm

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Quote from Pete Hine's Tweet about the release of the construction kit.


"Looks like their reach slightly exceeded their grasp and that means PC gamers will have to wait a bit longer to make all the characters nude."


Obviously a console fan. Funny, the obvious contept for PC users. Well, at least BethSoft can can blubber to Microsoft and show they are supporting the 360 platform over the PC version.

I just looked this up. That wasn't Pete Hines' tweet. That was editorializing by a Gamefront writer.

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