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Dungeons respawn!


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At a low level I found a fort that was inhabited by bandits, I was able to lure them outside one at a time and wiped them out. Found several more while exploring and killed them also. In one room there was a dead Legion trooper. There were also several legion banners around


Of course there was too much loot to carry. I figured I could make several trips. Used fast travel to go back to town where I sold what I had, then fast traveled back to the fort


Now it had been taken over by the Imperial Legion. As I am not on good terms with them I took off.


Now, Did the fort respawn? or what?

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As I already said twice two days ago, it's 720 hours. 30 days. It always was 72 hours. Possibly a typo from Bethesda there.



That fort close to Whiterun, righ? It was my understanding that the bandits and Legion are fighting over it, apart from the actual NPCs never showing, but once you clear it, the Legion seems to walk in (literally walk in, not spawn) :D

Edited by elvinkun
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Respawn does make sense when done right. Oblivion didn't do it right, nor did Morrowind. Ideally, it would be something like this:


An old hermit lives in the cave, and maybe gives a quest to the PC, when the quest is over, if the PC returns, he or she might find the hermit dead either of natural causes or had been killed, and now a bear has moved in. A few months later, the bear is dead, and there's a small group of bandits, but then later on the bandits are driving off a rival group or possibly even necromancers. There would be no regard for levels: a level 24 could just find skeevers and a level 2 could stumble upon conjurers with high level Daedra. There might also be times in between where the player finds a whole bunch of nothing. That may be too complicated, though.


What doesn't work for me is nothing else never moves in (Morrowind) or other things move in but they're just souped up versions of what was there previously (Imps at level 4, and now minotaurs at level 20 as with Oblivion).

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Yeah, respawning after 3 days was ridiculous. Unless you are playing the same game for more than 300 hours, it doesn't make any sense at all - otherwise, you might as well never leave the first town and just visit the same cave every day, lol. I hate respawns, especially in fixed locations. At least Skyrim thankfully marks areas you already have cleared. Although, I did re-visit Helga (?) the first town with the dragon and there were opponents there, but after I killed them all, it didn't mark it as cleared, bummer.
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Actually, having the legion walk in and take over the fort after I cleaned out the bandits is a good effect. But I really wasn't expecting it. It does seem as if there should have been a few Legionnaires hanging around outside the fort keeping an eye on it though. :tongue:
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