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World LOD question


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How to create World LOD? There appears to be no existing documentation for Fallout 4, and the Skyrim documentation is quite old. When I attempt to generate LOD for meshes it says:



Using 4 processors/cores.
Switching to singlethreaded mode since we are only building textures or objects.
Analying LOD object usage...
The following files are missing and need to be present to build LOD:

Build canceled.


Then I have used the Archive2 tool to extract all LOD meshes and all LOD textures from the respective .ba2 files, which then produces this error:


Using 4 processors/cores.
Switching to singlethreaded mode since we are only building textures or objects.
Analying LOD object usage...
Creating queue of files to be built...
Building 64 chunks at level 4.
Building 16 chunks at level 8.
Building 4 chunks at level 16.
Building 1 chunks at level 32.
Building object texture atlas...
Texture atlas build failed with the following errors:
LOD diffuse texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\prewartreetrunkslod_d.tga' missing
Scene Graph Object: TreeElmFreePW01Gr_LOD_0:0 [000000019474E1B0] Child of: BASE meshes\LOD\Landscape\Trees\Chargen\TreeElmFreePW01Gr_LOD_0.nif [00000001A087CAF0]
Reference: TreeElmFreePreWar01Gr [0100cbe3] to base object TreeElmFreePreWar01Gr [0006164f]
Cell 'Wilderness' Worldspace 'cattestworld1' [-3,2]

Waiting for build worker threads to finish...
Build canceled. All worker threads have been terminated.
0 LOD object triangles.
0 were rejected (0 degenerate, 0 under landscape).
0 total LOD object vertices.
No major issues detected.



There is no /TGATextures/ folder in the texture .ba2 files.

Edited by lelcat
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I managed to create a terrain LOD with textures. It shows up in the editor, if I select it to show in the preferences. But it will not show up ingame. Is there an extra step required to make a LOD show up ingame? Do I have to pack the mod?

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Curious, what did you change to get it to run through?


I end up with an .lod file (after the Creation Kit seemingly generates the LOD successfully) for the worldspace, but going into FO4edit (to "save as image" to prep for Pip-boy viewing) and selecting the worldspace for loading, I'm told:

"No LOD Level XX* textures for worldspacemyworldspace "myworldspace" [blahblah], try other levels."


*same response, regardless any choice made


Beg your pardon for this small hijack, but you seem to be at least one step ahead of me. =)

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You need to create TGA textures yourself, this LOD system is the same as in Skyrim



The only difference is there are now 3 textures _d, _n and _s and I heard that you need Intel Texture Works plugin for PS to convert them properly from dds to tga


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Could it be the texture conversion messed up the texture so that it does not appear ingame, but in the editor?

I am using DDS converter. What settings are required for working ingame diffuse lod textures? Format DXT1? Mipmaps on or off?

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IglooGreenHouse was so nice to generate the lod on his machine, so I could see if the problem lies with my files or my machine. And the LOD successfully generated and appeared on his machine, however, it refuses to show up on mine. Just completely reinstalled Fallout 4, and the LOD still refuses to show up.

Any advice on this?

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I am offering a bounty to anyone who can fix that world lod problem for me. The person with the most useful advice on how to fix it will get a bounty in form of a steam gift.


My problem is as follows:


When generating WORLD LOD, terrain or objects, it does show up in the CK, however it will never show up ingame. I have already reinstalled my CK and Fallout4, but still it did not help it. IglooGreenHouse was so nice to generate the LOD on his own machine, which for some bizarre reason does work. But I can't find out why the LOD will never show up when it is generated on my machine.

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