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Around The World (Requires Wasteland Workshop)


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What about a mod where you find an old container ship off the coast of the commonwealth, and through a load of quest manage to repair it to working order.


At this point you can sail to every other continent (South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Antarctica) and capture creatures from those areas you can then either:


Breed Them.


Release them into the commonwealth (doesn't really last long if there is only one).

Put them in your wasteland workshop arenas.



Here are a few examples of some creatures






South america:

Rad Boa

Rad bellied piranha



Radger (rad badger)



Kraken (mutated squid)

Ghoul Whale (they made a comeback in Asia after the war)




Rad Spider

Rad fish

Living coral

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  • 4 weeks later...

The question I have is what would these places look like in 2287? Europe may be pretty much gone, was destroyed before the war. Seeing as how Fallout has never taken place out of the US, to my knowledge, excluding space, we don't really know what these places would look like. Not to mention the amount of work, new lands & creatures.

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Yeah, the only thing we have a full for certain thing is that when China launched, American returned fire.. and both countries were completely blasted. In fact, it's entire feasable than many of the less technologically or resource significant areas weren't touched by the bombs.


There could even be places that were considered 'third world' pre-war that are now 200 years later the pinnacle of human society and technology, and may have even learned from the nuking of the major countries that renewable environmentally friendly power and tech was the way to go.

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