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Request: Original, Unique Companions


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Anyone remember Sonia in Oblivion? Or the fantastic Vilja who came with her own unique voice actress and brought life to an otherwise quiet adventure?


I would really like to see mods like this come back. Vilja especially was a welcome addition because she would sometimes make comments on things rather than just mindlessly follow the player around. She would have a lot to say too and it made me feel like I had a companion and not a soulless avatar following me.


The newgrounds voice acting group has a lot of talent to lend their voices. I'd actually mod this myself if I knew how.

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Skyrim seems to be the perfect place for Vilja.

If Emma and CD could port her over it would be fantastic.

In one way I am sort of glad that Skyrim and my PC has issues (poor frame rates and error free unexpected shutdowns) and waiting for a patch/ mod so I can fully change over. For now when I get mad with the game I just go back to Oblivion and Vilja v4.


BTW Vilja v4 is much more than the old version(s) with more well everything. Quests ,dialogue ,mini game, sparing partner and romance are the new features that I remember at the moment.

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