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Burnout Paradise from Origins, for free


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Hehe, no problem. I just don't think one can really say Steam is the same as Origin, because while it's not the ideal platform, the way EA handles Origin is downright draconian. I can still live with Steam, due to the fact that I'm usually relative sure my information and games are safe, to a certain extent. Origin just doesn't feel safe. I wouldn't want to link any personal information to it, and I certainly wouldn't want to link my credit card information to it. Not after the hubbub caused by their EULA a while back.


Also, there's an update on the issue in the article I linked, where people were banned from their Origin accounts after receiving forum bans.


Update: James explains he was polite and courteous with the EA Live Chat person, who had pointed him toward the email form to request further help. He filled this in, again politely he says, and the next day received an email in response saying,


“Please note that your account has been permanently terminated from the Electronic Arts Online service for violating the terms of services. The account will no longer be accessible in any way, and all property, items, and characters associated currently are or will soon be deleted.”


And the in field explaining why?


“This action was necessary due to the repeated nature of the offense on the account. We regret having to take this final step, but it is entirely necessary on behalf of protecting the Electronic Arts Online community. The violation has already been discussed above so further communication on this matter won’t be entertained. We thank you for your understanding on all the statutes within the Terms of Service, and they still contractually apply to you as per the original agreement, especially the sections regarding terminated members of the service.”


No such discussion had taken place. No such “repeated” offense had occurred. Which makes the refusal to even discuss this ban somewhat problematic. Since he received this email, James has not been able to access any of his Origin games online.


So what is going on? We contacted EA about this last week, but have not had a response, let alone a statement on the matter. We’ve tried contacting some other people today, and will update if we receive a reply. And let’s not forget the statement that EA gave to Shack back in 2008:


“Posting in EA Forums is enabled by an EA Nucleus account — but access to the forums and access to the games are separate. Players who have been banned from EA Forums are not automatically banned from online access to their other EA games. Players can be banned if they breach the Terms of Service or Code of Conduct in a forum, game or service. Each forum, game and service is managed independently by customer support representatives responsible for that specific forum, game or service.”


I find it downright disgusting, really. The guy literally didn't do anything wrong, then when he enquires about his 72 hour ban, they simply ban his account permanently. And they refuse to discuss it.

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How hard would it be to make a antivirus flag Origin as Spyware and it'll block it from installing. red flag Origins home page so to speak??


And wot would report it as malicious spyware in witch it is..


LOOL it would be chaos :laugh: I wouldn't do it though. I'm not that kind of person, not Angry enough at origin.

Edited by Thor.
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