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Skyrim companions/followers constantly switching to their default weap


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All of these fixes I have used in the past and they seem to work better with some companions than others (don't ask me why), and even 'removellitems' and removing each item individually didn't work in the long run. After a certain amount of ingame time they would respawn their default gear. Mages were particularly bad, but others not far behind. Those companions who start out with no armour/weapons (like Annekke) don't have this problem; all the others I tried do.


As a result, I've switched to using this mod: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3111


There are several 'flavours' to choose between, which go about fixing the problems with followers not levelling and not equipping what you give them in various ways. It's not perfect, I'd rather a mod that lets me leave followers with their default equipment ... except when they are following me, at which point they should equip whatever the hell I give them. At this point that doesn't seem possible, but maybe when the CK comes out. In the meantime, at least my followers will use what they're given.


is there any way to manually scroll through the data you get from "showinventory"? Like a dir/p command for the console?


Yes, just use the Page Up and Page Down buttons.


[Edited for clarity.]

Edited by LadySheogorath
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I know I cheated, but it was worth it. After you have helped Illia in the Darlight Tower (in the South, a bit West of Riften), use the command cheats (you can find in the companion mods section, but sorry I do not remember who did it) and make her a friend. Then ask her to follow you. She is an incredible mage, does not get in the way like Lydia or Jardis, and takes ennemies from far. She has quite a punch. She uses all types of staffs you give her. I made her the best ring, necklace, dagger and circlet, as well as equipped her with a top mage robe (I removed her lousy robe with INV then REMOVEITEM with console).

Checking her inventory, she uses everything. Only glitch (I do not mind, I'm a man....), although she uses the new robe, she is still fully naked, but you see the circlet, ring and necklace. I also gave her better boots. Still have to try gloves.

But believe me, she is the best follower you can have as I have tested most of the others.

I would have put a picture, but we are not in an adult section, so I refrained from doing it.

Have fun, try it.... :thumbsup:

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You can use 'showinventory' on them to see exactly what they are carrying, with the items id number in brackets and then systematically remove each one


Regarding this, is there any way to manually scroll through the data you get from "showinventory"? Like a dir/p command for the console?


"Page Up" or "Page Down" keys to scroll the console window, plus you can use the "Up" or "Down" arrow keys to scroll through all commands you've typed in previously (handy for certain repetitive tasks with looong commands or codes) and "Left" or "right" to move the cursor (again handy if giving yourself items and/or sets, as they sometimes only have 1 digit/letter different)

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  • 3 years later...

I have a problem with lydia always respawning her steel boots and her steel armor. She seems to like the steel plate gloves and helmet though.

I have tried removeitem, I have tried removeallitems and nothing works.

If i fast travel somewhere, she will always respawn her armor. Is the any other tricks i can try?

I am PC gamer, not console.

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I use NPC Clothes Changer & Maintainer by dudestia. With this you can remove an NPCs default outfit, give them the outfit you want & then lock it in place (with the option to unlock it & change it as often as you want). If you want to give several weapons & have the NPC switch between them give them the weapons after locking the outfit.

The only thing this doesn't completely fix is if the NPC is hit with lesser arrows (ie iron when you have given them steel), they will use the lesser arrows over the ones you have actually given them to use, but overall the weapon problem is fixed.

I like fitting my housecarls in carved Nordic armor & when using this mod they have never reverted back to what they had been wearing beforehand.

Edited by ElioraArin
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