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Inundated with face-smoothing pretty mods


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I'd really like to start using one of these, but not sure which one's best. I think I'll wait until one becomes more popular than others unless we can all determine which one is best at the moment. Removes blockiness and dirt, smooths out jagged edges (especially on elves), removes wrinkles etc. Anyone have any suggestions? I hope this doesn't become the same problem Oblivion had with its umpteen million "pretty" mods, and people not knowing which one to use. On a similar topic, I hope we can somehow avoid the incompatibility with all the different body-face-hair-eye mods this time around.
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Smoother Females Complete (or something like that) is the best one. The guy who made the regular Smoother Females linked to it from his mod's Nexus page.
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I use No More Bulky Faces and Detailed Faces, and that's quite all right, but untill the Kit is released, there's not much one can do. The problem for me is not with the wrinkles (I don't mind them that much), but with the shape of the face, with very high cheekbones and the general "I'm 45 and starving" look. Removing the wrinkles and other details just makes the face flat in my opinion. I kind of like that everyone doesn't look like teenager in the Skyrim, but I wish all the faces woudn't have that harsh look.
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