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Anyone else dissapointed about the Dark Brotherhood? *spoilers*


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I found it extremely lame as well. It was cliched, the quests didnt require the certain something and didnt feel... "Assassin"y enough. Go kill this guy, boom. At the end, from the wedding and so on, it got very interesting, but it was poorly made. If the scenes at the wedding and the cooking part and even the end at the ship were better made it would've been worth it.


And also it was so freakin short, like 1/4 of the Oblivion DB questline...



Overall, I am dissapoint.



On the other hand the Thieves Guild is looking more fun, enjoyed the first quest mercer gave me a lot, now I'ma wait and see if the rest of it is as good, looking forward to see if there's anything like that last quest in Oblivion!

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I dunno, I kinda think it was done pretty well. Though I swear to God if in ESVI they kill off all my allies AGAIN I'ma be mad. My two main disappointments were the loot (seriously? Blade of Woe and some gold that barely covers the cost of making the Sanctuary livable) and also the last assassination. It was fun and all, but I feel like my epic sneak through the ship and assassination of the Emperor should be more... Pivotal. I mean, I didn't hear it mentioned once afterwards; that the emperor had been assassinated again.


Maybe I'm just too picky though.

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Yea, I was dead excited about seeing them in Skyrim... then I find out that these guys are basically only the DB in name, they don't hear the Night Mother, the Tenets have been abandoned and it's the last sanctuary in all of Tamriel. Ugh.


Eventually we start doing it the proper way via the Night Mother... but then I'm basically a Listener/Speaker/Silencer all in one, doing everything. But of course, everyone with a personality gets killed at this point and we're left with just two people.


It would've been more fun to have quests to recruit new members and promote people after this point, but as said earlier... the contracts are just: go here, kill him, no special conditions requested, come back, repeat.


Some of the quests given by the Night Mother need adjusting too. I was told to kill a noble in a hall that he never leaves... he doesn't seem to have a need for sleep. He just sits at the table 24/7, occassionally swapping seats, making it impossible to kill without being surrounded by 5 guards and the Jarl himelf. A littler unfair for a melee based assassin.


But anyway, it doesn't matter because this'll be fixed with mods. We saw some amazing stuff in Oblivion, I'm sure this mess can be cleaned up just as good.


EDIT: Also, regarding the question about Astrid: I'm also confused of what she was hoping to achieve. She obviously didn't like losing the top position to the Listener/Night Mother combo and wanted me to disappear... but doing it by making a deal with the guy who's son's murder she ordered...? I suppose she wasn't quite thinking things through, or I didn't quite understand what happened. Did she get caught and ratted us out in exchange for being released? Whatever happened, she was foolish/selfish.

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Eventually we start doing it the proper way via the Night Mother... but then I'm basically a Listener/Speaker/Silencer all in one, doing everything. But of course, everyone with a personality gets killed at this point and we're left with just two people.


It would've been more fun to have quests to recruit new members and promote people after this point, but as said earlier... the contracts are just: go here, kill him, no special conditions requested, come back, repeat.


^This is what annoyed me the most.


Everyone apart from one guy and the vampire girl dies and you relocate. The new base has two new recruits sure. But as you said we lost everyone that had a personality and now we are stuck with two dull companions (that i can't even marry :ermm: ). Like you said, it would have been more fun to have more quests about recruiting new members and promote people ect.


It killed the Dark Brotherhood for me when they all died and we relocated.

Edited by BloodyChunks
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Sigh, how did I know this would happen? I haven't gotten there yet but everyone is saying it wasn't very good.


I loved the DB so very much in Oblivion. I'm extremely disappointed.


...Wait, what?? THe Dark Brotherhood has pretty much... died out?!?!?!? It's dead?!?!?!!?




I HATE YOU BETHESDAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Great, now I'm so sad and disappointed I feel like jumping off a bridge. This just totally and completely destroyed my day.


Also, why did they make vampires exactly the same? Holy crap this is just too awful.

Edited by Lehcar
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I haven't even finished it completely. I gave up on it. I really didn't like the Vampire Girl. To me it was like they were 'trying' to recreate the feel of the Oblivion DB, but failed. (The Spell that you get ... Something-Assassin, I had to be told by my sister what it does because I never even looked at it. I figured it was something random and stupid. But I think it is cute, but ANNOYING. He wont shut up :/ It's like: Something else is talking and gets drowned out by my summon ...)


Vampires are WAY worse, I think. I fast travel like 5 times and wait once and I get full vampire and attacked. There isn't even a noticeable change at all. No eyes. No thinning of face. (That I have seen, I could be wrong) Only people saying, "You look pale, are you afraid of Sunlight?" or something like that.

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I haven't even finished it completely. I gave up on it. I really didn't like the Vampire Girl. To me it was like they were 'trying' to recreate the feel of the Oblivion DB, but failed. (The Spell that you get ... Something-Assassin, I had to be told by my sister what it does because I never even looked at it. I figured it was something random and stupid. But I think it is cute, but ANNOYING. He wont shut up :/ It's like: Something else is talking and gets drowned out by my summon ...)


Vampires are WAY worse, I think. I fast travel like 5 times and wait once and I get full vampire and attacked. There isn't even a noticeable change at all. No eyes. No thinning of face. (That I have seen, I could be wrong) Only people saying, "You look pale, are you afraid of Sunlight?" or something like that.



its best not to finish it if you don't want the DB to die! :D

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