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[Please Confirm] No Blender for 3D Remodelling for Fallout 4 NIF


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Let me elaborate

- You need to BUY 3DS MAX if your not a Student (I'm not a Student, I didn't want to Lie, but there seems to be no option for either a 3DS Max Mesh Converter/Cheaper/Smaller -3DSMax 2014=6GB- or unless you want to risk putting your Credit Card on-line instead of buying it or "the Converter" if exist, on Steam...I looked this up 3DS Max isn't on Steam)


- NifScope doesn't model Nif, but View it and attaches mesh together


And pretty much some of the only things that stop some people from 3D Modeling for Fallout 4...3DS Max (Why 6GB? I don't mind Blender's Size) unlike Skyrim which can be modded a lot easier, has Blender Support and was around for a long time.


I don't want to come off as pirate cheapskate as I already suggested to 3DSMax for Mesh Converter (And I would pay $5-15 for it +$1 per Plugin/Extension, as I do work) because not everyone is going to edit with 3D cause there going to make a Career from it (I'm more into Construction/Plumbing and Crafting with Cardboard or Lego, but I notice Modders are getting feed up with the Request).


If there is a simple Nif to 3DS Max to Blender to Fallout 4/etc please could someone direct me to it...sorry if all the is stupidness is said and I hurt some of you fans/supporters of 3DS Max unless if you believe I shouldn't mod at all.


Shoot if Blender did this, I would pay them too also sorry if I didn't do that much proofreading.

Edited by Lukong1515
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Good luck expecting max to drop to 1-15 bucks, specially when the license for a year is couple hundreds or more. And even if you want to use the Blender workflow, you still need max to make collisions, and specifically 2013.

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How does one even get 2013 anymore? I've got 2016 (I'm a student, thankfully), and I've been looking and the farthest back I've found is 2014...


Anyway, to answer your question, there isn't any will likely never be anything like that.

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Afraid not easy. You could try to apply and request a 2013 extension if you already have a paid/student one. As a student, you can freely get any from 2017-2014 tho I agree, 2016 seems fairly good compared to rest of them.

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