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Keep Armor Bons In Power Armor


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Hail everyone!
I may just be dumb, and can't find ANYWHERE a mod to help me with that!
But i've been using deep pockets on my armor, and some Backpack/Pouchs mods, that makes up for the low Carry Weight on Survival Mode, and it's been pretty cool and immersive, a good way to balance the low carry weight, at least for me.

The problem is, and here i say, the character i'm roleplaying, is kind off a crazy science lunatic, whom now that i've got a good sanctuary base, is only walking around on power armor, but, i suddenly found out, that i actually have less carry weight, inside the power armor, then outside, because apparently, getting inside the power armor, negates all the effects my normal armor and cloths do.

So, i ask, anyone created a mod yet, that makes the normal armor bonus, stack with power armors?
Not looking for the ARMOR part, only the extras, like, Deep Pockets and Extra Weight from the backpack.

Any way around it ;3?

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This mod adds craftable backpacks which are visible and functional outside of power armor, and has a patch that makes the backpacks functional though invisible while inside of power armor.

I realize it's not the same as getting other armor bonuses, but it's a way around it atleast.

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