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Everything posted by Bhanqwa

  1. I'm already half there, didn't even buy this Bethesda game but hey there just wasn't anything else to get for my birthday.
  2. For the past 20 or so encounters I've missed about 4 out of every 6 shots in vats when I stack concentrated fire up to 80% or higher. This is with rank 1 of the perk, and I always make sure there are no physical obstructions between myself and the target. Is there a solution?
  3. Wait do you mean beds adjacent to or on top of each other? The latter sounds like a dream if settlers can figure it out.
  4. Seems like your battery has recharged, I'll just stick with my delusions and falsely believe in nexus free modding to stay relevant in the future.
  5. There is a mod that works for the power armor + power fist: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2913/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D2913%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3456590&pUp=1
  6. Until a solution is found, perhaps you could circumvent some of those issues by console-disabling the object you don't want to interact with (save first ;p)? Do be very careful with anything attached to that object though.
  7. Seems like he asked the question while having an idea of his own, and tried to get an argument going. The argument has been going and I for one enjoyed reading it (hooray for your signature!), I don't consider it a waste just because he ultimately hasn't agreed with you.
  8. I already knew I answered my own question. I wasn't even actually asking one, but I'm assuming you're not very bright so I can understand how that slipped by you. Nice effort in trying to be smart though. Either way, it is in the wrong section regardless. I already knew you didn't really ask a question (interesting how you claim to have answered your question which you then claim wasn't a question... they can't both be true). I made fun of your condescending tone by mimicking it, but I'm assuming you're not very bright so I can understand how that slipped by you.
  9. Would also be nice if they still defend themselves when told to stand in place.
  10. And did you achieve this by maxing your luck stat, or am misreading the title?
  11. Did you just answer your own question? Yes, you probably did. Could also make an argument that his mod request belongs in the... wait for it... mod request section.
  12. Would be nice to have our own skynet, why should the institute get all the fun?
  13. Clearly the walls must be placed in the center of your settlement, nicely surrounding the meticulously fine-tuned and measured crammed up pile of food+water+vendors+beds+roofs, leaving only enough space for settlers to step from bed to assignment. You surround the walls with turrets and in the event that attackers spawn inside your human ant-farm just open the builder and store the walls. Pro-tip, don't use missile-turrets for this.
  14. I'd like to know this command, could you please share it?
  15. If they wanted the lore to make more sense and quests to not be that bad (hey dragonborn/arch mage/master assassin etc can you look into this cave?) Heh or a farmer asking you to deal with a dangerous bandit, before a dragon lands and the farmer starts punching it.
  16. That's because you played it today and not when it first came out in 2002. Believe me when I say, I considered it groundbreaking compared to other games at the time. It was also the first game, I tried my own hand at modding. Until I noticed that I'm sorely lacking in talent when it comes to scripting and turned iinto a leecher. Also the time when I first joined up with the nexus, until I lost my original account to the hacking attempt on here. Morrowind for me provided a tremendous sense of freedom, had an amazing atmosphere and a lot of dialogue options. The cliffracers seemed less annoying then than never-ending radiants do now, plus I never had enough of their wings to make my potions. What I did hate was early game constantly missing melee strikes and tribunal guards calling you scum (a species that would become extinct in the weeks to come).
  17. Would be nice to add an optional for the scribe's hat (goggles on hat - goggles on face).
  18. I believe the word you believe he's thinking of is IMBALANCE. For me its: - the lack of evil options - never-ending radiant quests - 3/4 factions are hardliners that offer you their extremist way with no alternatives - bethesda's apathy towards the mod-theft infestation - speech options have you guessing what your character will actually say - your character has an origin story that too strongly defines who you are/can become - still bugthesda
  19. Never played CoD, does it allow you to build settlements or be harassed by questgivers who fart out a new one as soon as you complete the other?
  20. While it will suck, I support any modder's decision to stop uploading and start removing mods.
  21. I have Knuckles which display 23 damage when equipped. After using the console command "setav unarmeddamage to 23" the knuckles displayed not 46 but 56 damage. I checked to see if there was a hidden +10 bonus by using "setav unarmeddamage to 13", only the Knuckle damage changed not to 46 but 42. It's not a display error as I tested the damage dealt each time. Does anyone have some insights on this?
  22. So you want to remove VATS? Why not just not press the button, here I'll mark it on your map. I've no idea why people can't read, good luck getting the other bit of your request though ;p
  23. This mod adds craftable backpacks which are visible and functional outside of power armor, and has a patch that makes the backpacks functional though invisible while inside of power armor. I realize it's not the same as getting other armor bonuses, but it's a way around it atleast.
  24. Maybe, but the minutemen have a lot to offer if you help them out with this settlement, I'll mark it on your map.
  25. When Deacon didn't seem to show up at the agreed upon location, after looking all over the place I finally caved and console-commanded myself to his position.
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