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Housing For The Collectors


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I'm sure I'm not the only person who enjoys collecting gear and treasure on my adventures and displaying it and I figure if I make the request now it may get created before the tidal wave of armor/weapon/etc mods come out.


My opinions on what a true collectors home would have:


1. A large library/alchemy/enchanting area. Lots of shelves and tables, possibly ingredient sorters like we've seen before.


2. An armor hall/halls with plenty of space for the mannequins once that mod is made. 50 would probably be a safe number


3. An armory with lots of space for weapons, either with racks like a normal armory or display cases/tables or both.


4. Companion Quarters


That's really all the important stuff. Hopefully one of the housing modders will see fit to create it once we have the modding tools.

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I was just about to request this to. =D


However, I would like a armoury or something added as a basement to Solitude or Windhelms houses.


Me, I collect everything! I want one of each! A massive library is a must. And of course at least two wooden dolls for each armour set and the same for each weapon so on. For original and enchanted/smithed stuff!


However, the collecting on my part will start after my "main" hero completes the game. The second one will be a thief. And probably a money cheater ^^


Oh, well sorry for bad english and stuff like that. =P

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Oh this should be good. What do you ahve planned PR?


Something similar in nature to Run the Lucky 38. Sort of a build your own village/city, with almost all the bells and whistles. I'm debating making a thread so I can get people's input. This one will be more well-planned though. I'm currently on my phone so I can't really leave details yet.

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Yes, totally yes! I had a post on adding Minecraft elements to the game so you could design your own house's interior, but that would be damn near useless if you couldn't fill it with all the awesome you collect in the world. I would also definitely like to see more cosmetic stuff like paintings, sculptures, rugs, drapes, fireplaces, working chessboards, etc.


Maybe even training rooms, like a room that conjures hostile Daedra at the push of a button, and after each one you kill, it someones something stronger. Or a series of rooms filled with patrolling ghosts or draugr or something where you need to sneak around and pick locks/pockets to get through each room and if you get caught all the locks become unlock-able and you have to go back to the start.


It could be four rooms arranged so that when you get to the end of the second, you have to climb a ladder and head the other way through the next two rooms, and once you complete the fourth room, you end up back in the first, and the thing goes up a level by making all the locks harder and adding more patrollers, up to say 5 levels, and there could be a different one in each of the bigger houses, or maybe this should just be somewhere else in the city, maybe in the thieves guild.

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