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Texture Problem with JSNanosuit Mod


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Hi,I need help with JSnanosuit mod created By Junin.

The textures for the suit won't load or something it just wont show,same goes for the weapons that came with the suit.

I'll post some pictures regarding this problem if anyone asks for it.

I already read the readme a dozen times,I did what had to be done for the texture to load but it just isnt working.

>__< Also This is my firsttime at modding fallout 3,I had excellent successes at CS and other Valve games seems that Bethesda has put up quite a challenge.

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Sound like you need to download: ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated


Or, if you have FoMM, you can activate "Archive Invalidation" under "Tools".


If you don't have FoMM just yet: Get it. The more mods you're going to use, the more you'll need it. :thumbsup:


Good luck!


It Worked mate! Like a charm! the archive Invalidation did the trick. woot >_< Thanks a lot mate.

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