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Shield + Sword only viable option on master?


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A sword and a shield the only viable option? Really now.


I have an archer/assassin and dragons (so far) are the only thing that are more or less challenging.



Max out overdraw (Archery Perk)

Max out critical shot (Archery Perk)

Get Bullseye (Archery Perk, optional)

Get Deadly Aim (Sneak Perk)


Get some +% Bow damage gear.


All you gotta do is sneak around and shoot people from afar - I have yet to meet anything that gives me trouble, and that's while using a plain ebony bow with iron arrows.



forgot to mention what setting you are playing on as he and i are on mastery...he having trouble i'm not...mastery is easy for me and i do the same as you ><




Ahhh yeah my bad - I should've paid more attention to thread's title.

It's not necessarly harder - only more tedious. Just like in Oblivion - To enjoy a proper 'Master Difficulty"" wait for a mod.

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I played at master difficulty from the start myself. Actually I would advice AGAINST sword and shield for higher difficulty level. Enemies hit way too hard for you to stand there and take damage unless you devote a huge chunk of skills into armor and block.


IMHO, the easier way would be to avoid getting hit at all. Sneak attack with bow is good to soften things up at the beginning; but once you get to a high enough level, a dagger sneak attack is incredibly powerful. Summons are much better at master difficulty as well; since your summons scale up with the enemy.


I'm playing an illusionist/conjurer with a one handed sword/dagger wearing all light armor and I very rarely die on master difficulty.

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I'm playing a thief like character, and I'm using just a one hand sword.


You can still block with it, it aint as effective as a shield but I dont like t he looks of the shields.



Dragons are an easy task now, and most enemies aswell, but I still get the random enemy that two-shots me.. usually guys with 2 hand weapons.


My perks are all in one hand weapon, light armor and sneak.

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I have the same "hardest difficulty, lots of reloading" approch to gaming. Actually, add "stacking healing potions is for sissys" to that, I only use cure disease potions. An exaple of how I play (skip if only interested in Skyrim): I went through Dragon Age 1 on Nightmare in 100 Hours play time (I'd say 50 would be normal) without any character ever getting KO'd and only using a few mana potions on the final boss (since the fight takes a long time and often crashes the game, I got tired of reloading).


I absolutely love Master Difficulty, even though I die all the time. Playing as Axe&Shield Orc, and bashing is much more important than blocking itself IMO. And Restoration, for running away (Whirwind Sprint is my favorite shout) and healing back up. Boss-Level enemys can't usually be taken down in one go, even with Berserk Rage (I don't ever rest to abuse it, but I do make the best of my one use a day). But yeah, without perks in Heavy Armor and block, one-hit kills might make this frustrating.


Fighting that Draugr with the 1HKO bow from that vid was actually kinda fun, dodging arrows/taking cover is not that hard, and he can be stunned with "Fus" to move in, make him switch to close combat, take off like 10-20% of his health (stunning with bashes in between).


Mages really are a big problem, but running away is always an option and I'm planning to use armor enchantments and the resistance perks from the alteration tree later on, playing a Breton would also be a good option I guess, as well as having summons take the damage. As for companions, I don't think they'll live very long on master, and they kinda don't work well with hit&run tactics or climbing "unaccessible" places for bow kills. I'm used to playing games like Gothic without level scaling, running away from things on lower levels and coming back later, or beating them with superior skills, tactics and save scumming is something I really like. For me Skyrim is the best game I ever played. And that's saying something.

Edited by QDX2000
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  • 2 weeks later...
I love master difficulty too. I have to admit I find being able to drink 10 potions in the heat of combat ridiculous (even more with food). I wish there was a mod to limit this. Normally, I would just "play realistically" and only allow myself potions or food outside of combat or at a safe distance. Risen (and I think Gothic III) handled this well, by forcing you to open the potion and drink it, putting away your sword and having to draw it again from the sheathe. Obviously, if you are right on top of a monster, it will beat you silly while you do this. However, for all my brave words, I broke down. I absolutely could not win without potion gulping during combat, even at 30th level. HOWEVER, the nice BALANCING aspect of this, is unlike ADEPT players, I don't have 30,000 gp sitting around. I spend ALL my money on potions and occasionally a better weapon or magic item. VERY SATISFYING in the end b/c it keeps giving me a reason to collect stuff, go to down, mix my own potions, etc. since I need them so badly. I even picked up some smithing for jewelry just so I can continue to make money to pay for potions (I usually smith Iron Ore-Transmute-Silver or Gold and combine with gems I found). All in all, Master Difficulty makes this a great game! ADEPT is just plain boring and easy. BTW, I like to use a mace and smash things. Very effective - but mages, like in Gothic 3, are a real challenge! (use the shield with the 50% perk reduction - it helps).
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I tried the game on the default (mid-level) setting at first, but found it too easy. I'm using a destruction mage/archer this time on master and finding it a little challenging. I need to run, drink potions, and I probably can't miss that first arrow on sneak either. I also have to be more selective with spells, can't just burn everything to a crisp.


I saw someone post a difficulty "cheat" if you want to call it that. He uses player.advlevel in the console which does not advance attributes or perks. It just makes the game act as though you were a higher level, so all opponents are appropriately increased to match your fake level. I may try that if it doesn't get harder. He said he also reduces the health regen rate, but I suspect that may not make much difference in a quick fight.

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