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I fast travelled to Shearpoint to bring me closer to my destination, I don't remember having visited there before but I must ahve as I was able to fast travel there. Then a few thigns happened that I wondered if anyone could help me with.


First a Dragon came and I killed it but absorbing it's soul didn't give me a new power or "level up" an existing one, I thought all dragon kills were meant to do this?


And after killing a dragon I saw near where it was sat to begin with one of those walls with a word on, so I went over and this lich-type thing came out the ground, I think it was called a NEcrosis or Crosis or something? Because the wiki isn't yet up to date I can't find any info on it but it seemed pretty much immune to magic and it's probably the toughest thing I have tried to fight so far, in the end I ended up running to the wall to get the word, ootign the chest and then sprinting away for my life. Does anyone know what creature I mean and has anyone killed one? I was wondering if they have some kind of weakness and whether it is unique or if others exist? Also do they drop and good loot? And finally will it still be there when I go back at a later date?

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you get a new word of power from the wall. the dragon soul is currency to unlock it, one found. you have togo into the shouts menu and press R on a locked shout to unlock it


That lich type thing is one of the dragon priests. i don't know a lot about them but i think thre's somewhere between 7-10 of them, all unique. each one has a unique and powerful mask as their main loot, and also a staff of some description which is useful. I fought krosis personally, he's definitely not immune to magic, or anything. he just has a HUGE TON of HP. I think he's weak to fire though, fire magic does slighly more on him, you can tell from his ice cloak aura (btw dont go too close if you can help it)


you're best off bringing a companion to distract him, a ton of potionsn, and some fire resistance, because he has a staff of fireballs and tosses them all day. aside from that it's just perseverance and fireball-dodging.


his mask sucks tbh. unless you're using a stealth oriented character.



incidentally there's another of the dragon priests in Ragnvald, a tomb to the northwest of the map. his mask is far better, but he's darn hard.

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All the dragon priests carry a unique mask. Bringing all masks together does something (haven't gotten all yet so I cant tell you what), but you gotta take them to a specific location near the Meruns Dagon Shrine (find it yourself :tongue: )
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