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Follower Overhaul


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Post your ideas on how to change the follower system here....


1- Hand Gestures - Gesture to your follower to stay or follow. This would help for when you tell the follower to stay while to navigate a trapped hallway and deactivate it on the other side. It would keep you from having to go back to them and tell them to follow again.

  • Stay
  • Follow
  • Distract (then you click a location to perform the distraction)
  • Sneak/Stop Sneaking
  • How did you get stuck/lost? (would summon the follower to you if this happens)

2- Whisper - When in a dungeon or near enemies, the follower talks way too loud. They need to whisper.


3- Run Errands - Would be nice to load your follower up with items, and then tell them to take them home or go sell them and then come back.


4- Change Perminant Equipment - As of now, when you give a follower gear, they wear it initially, but when you see them later after dismissing them, they still have the gear in their inventory, but they are not wearing it. I give my archer follower a good bow, but he wont use it.


5- Tactics Menu - A place to set specific tactics perameters.

  • Exit combat at __% health
  • Use heal potion at __% health
  • Use mag potion at __% magika

6- Make home here - This would allow you to change the place your followers go to when you tell them to get lost


7- Essential / Not Essential toggle


8- Leveling Companions


9- Adjust their colision so that the player can walk through them


Lets keep this list going for an all inclusive follower overhaul mod.

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I like the Hand Gestures & Run Errands ideas.


Would be nice if we could equip/unequip specific items on them... Hopefully this is not hard coded into the game.


Should add Make Noise / Cause Distraction into your Hand Gesture suggestions, then our follower could help us setup an ambush for the enemy.


Sneak/Don't Sneak... I like the fact that when I sneak my follower sneaks, but I would like to be able to override this.

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There is a hotkey, for "wait there, activate this, take this, attack that thing" the way you use it is instead of pressing "E" (or what ever your activate key is) you hold it down and it goes into the order giving mode.
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I view the housecarls as guards against thieves. That's their job in my game at least since I don't really use followers. I'd also like to be able to make more followers members of the Blades. Just 3 of them doesn't seem like much when you are trying to rebuild the order.
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My biggest annoyance has been the followers ruining my attempts to sneak. Followers' sneak skill should be set to equal or better than the player's. Someone already mentioned them wearing the armor you give them, and that affects sneaking too.


My second biggest annoyance is how some temporary followers cause your primary follower to quit, while others don't cause such jealousy.

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