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My Skyrim modification Ideas for all


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Hello everyone, I, like all of you, have been playing Skyrim relentlessly for the last 4 days now, and good God is it amazing. But, of course, as a gamer I want more. This is a small sample of a few mods I would love to see, and I believe many of you would like to see as well, so if any of you have the talent to do so, indulge us all, would you kindly?


1. Lottery and card games: This would just a nice little touch, and a little something extra to do if you don't feel like questing. Maybe a few simple card games at the inns in major towns, and perhaps some kind of a lottery once per in game week, in which you buy a ticket from a vendor, and then on that day (Morndas, for example) at 7 or 8 PM at night, there is a drawing, doesn't even have to be seen by the player, and if your numbers come up, then you win some kind of prize, either gold or a nice weapon, trinket, or piece of armor, etc.


2. More varied armor, or re-skinned quest loot (nightengale, thieves guild, dark brotherhood, etc.) that are then placed as random drops throughout the world, which you can disenchant, or enchant if it doesn't have any buffs of its own. Because who doesn't want to look like batman while running around shooting fireballs at people?


3. Working Economy: Yes, as we all know, the Skyrim economy is a little bit better than the magical never ending gold supply the merchants had in Oblivion, but something more along the lines of Fable (because if it did anything right...), where prices were different in different cities based on what they have access to, how well liked you are, and thus giving you the ability to buy and re-sell items for profit.


4. Bartering: I'm not sure why they took this away, making it depend solely on your speechcraft skill (as far as I know, forgive me, I'm retarded) but the ability to haggle with a merchant for better prices is something I miss.


5. Back to the Economy...: Actual working trade routes, and caravans that carry money to and from different places. Perhaps you could get a hold of a certain merchants schedule, and rob his caravan as it passes down a snowy road away from the eyes of Imperial guards? Thus leaving him flat broke, possibly putting him out of business for good, if his store is small enough...


6. Immersive First Person Camera: All I want is a decent pair of legs!


7. The ability to jump while sprinting.


8. The ability to jump while galloping with your horse.


9. Faster horses, and individual breeds: Something they removed since Oblivion, just adds a little more to achieve I suppose.


10. Last but not least, make the Fus Ro Dah shout sound like the one from the trailer, which was much cooler.


Now, this is but a small sampling of my modification Ideas, and because we have already established that I am A.) terrible at modding, and B.) retarded, I don't know how many of these are even possible, but I figured I may as well give some of you hardcore modding fellows out here a few ideas, specifically ones that I want in my game...at any rate, thank you for reading my nonsensical ramblings, and please feel free to leave your own personal input.

Edited by gibbs1189
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A cool thing to do is to change a bit the way Perks are unlocked.


The way it works its a bit dunno...stern...,you have to put points in Perks that you din't want or need to go to a Perk you need...wich is tiresome and also has the bad habit of gimping you.


A way to work around it is to make the way the Perk tree's work like a Tiered tree a bit ala Champions online.


if you have a Perk in any tree of said Tier 2,you can then unlock a Tier 2 Perk of another Skill school without the obligation of unlocking the previous perk.

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