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Rebalancing Skyrim


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Theres a mod out now that rebalances magic, im level 30ish and chain lightning has actually become useful. Even without the construction set they have managed to modify perks and a lot of other useful stuff. Have a look at empowered magicka and see if this helps anyone, playing a mage. It does still need work but its a start until we have the proper Ck
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I am playing on Adept and dual Wielding Flames that troll was nothing. especially since i had the Cost reduction. Flames > Firebolt IMO.

when i stumbled on the giants if you try following the road to that town at the foot of the 7000 steps, they gave me trouble. my poor Housecarl got PWNed and my Flames barely touched those giants. recent Save FTW.

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People saying skyrim isn't bad never actually played RPGs before... Hack and slash games aren't technically RPG if its on the sides...


Weapons and Armors for players is USELESS because with level gains, you meet foes with far higher defense, and it also doesn't help when the difficulty level you choose basically buffs every enemy by a fixed percentage.


It's like:

Novice = Enemies gets 0% Damage Reduction buff + 0% Attack buff

Apprentice = Enemies gets a 15% Damage Reduction buff + 15% Attack buff

Adept = Enemies gets a 30% Damage reduction buff + 30% Attack buff

Expert = Enemies gets a 45% Damage reduction buff + 45% Attack buff

Master = Enemies gets a 60% Damage reduction buff + 60% Attack buff


Edit: Oh since it's buffs that's built into the game's difficulty system, it applies over everything for npcs, so your low level spells are rendered useless on Adept difficulty.


Also, I think these buff increases a lot as the level increases, but at the same time, your character's damage potential rarely increase to cope with them...


Lv39 with my 74 damage Dragonbane being used against undead nords at the final part of the main quest, i have to hit them 10 times to almost kill them, and using power attacks to inflict more damage, but still might get owned because there's 5 of them on me!


Being wearing full armor with defense rating of 277 and being hit by a lv30 enemy and losing like 40~60 hp is normal...

My damage dealt to them is far less than what they deal to me on Adept.


They do 2x more to me, and I do 1x or half as much as them. And this is the typical warrior types at the same level...


I have a feeling that Bethesda is trying to 'balance' the game in a 'action' sense where damage is more realistic, except for the part where enemies don't take as much damage but somehow inflict more damage with a subpar weapon...


They are friggin using 15 dmg weapons, and I'm using my 60 damage weapons, and for some reason it's still stronger than me?!


I dare you to try it, set it to master (try it on adept first), and stack as MUCH defense as you can on yourself with the best armor, the best perk, and such, and see how much damage same level enemies do to you!


I feel like bethesda is trying to go with the 'realistic' combat since they could have ripped it off of 'deadly reflex' mod except add extra buff to the enemies in the game... At least in the oblivion mod, deadly reflex makes damage higher and more deadly, but doesn't make the game annoying by giving your foes 50% damage reduction or something... Damnit!

Edited by dra6o0n
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I agree with somethings but if your going to do a patch then you have to keep an open mind, people aren't always going to agree with you, for example in some areas i don't really agree. When you release then you should probably include options to install for example:


======Main Install======

Bug fixes/ Money economics





Option To Install Magic Overhaul

Option To Install PickPocketing Overhaul

Option To Install Perk Overhaul etec.



What you're saying is that, what you want isn't a "Patch" it's a full blown Overhaul which will take 6 months bare minimum. A "Patch" is where your going in and making bugfixes or small aditions to make it more "life like" or "realistic". You seem to not realize that Bethesda tried to make the game appealing to all RPG fans by allowing you to be what ever you want which is insanley hard.. No matter what someone creates or how good it is there are always going to be people who *censored* and complain, they experimented with something new allowing you to be so many other things than just one corse of charachter now i agree that there are draw backs to this. But the game has just come out, bethesda may notice this and patch it to correct it, If they don't people will eventually make an Unoffical patch fixing the over priced Magicka usage.


There are also ways around this a simple apprentice hood gives you an extra 30 points of Magicka. The robes boost regeneration by 50% and that's the earlyest Mage appearal that you get... The perks continually lower magicka costs in the schools of magic allowing for more usuage of spells. Magic isn't supposed to be used with armor your going to need the bonuses from your robes,rings,hoods etec To boost your armor raiting there are spells like stone flesh that give you, what? 40 points to your armor raiting? I was just playing as a high elf mage specalization level 20 destruction mostly, and i fought a blood dragon, i ended up winning through stratagie conjuation saved me, actually it was the flame antronauch distracted it while i pumbled it with fire... My difficulty setting is on Adept... now this is just my opinion and i respect yours.




Magic spells should definatly be modded to a higher damage level! and so should defensive spells. ( wards and that kind )

Edited by kylardeath
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There are several huge flaws in Skyrim's balance.


#1 - You are required to level every skill in Skyrim to reach max level


#2 - Most bottom-end talents are all you need


#3 - Pure magic-based builds suck


#4 - Theft is too strong and too annoying at the same time


#5 - Horses are too costly


#6 - Enemy archers are too strong


#7 - Armor and weapons need rebalancing.


#8 - End-tier perks are garbage


#9 - Conjuration is too weak and too strong at the same time


#10 - Not enough perks


Please tell me I'm being trolled. You either need to look up the definition of balance or finish playing the game.


Horses are too costly?!? Seriously?!

1000 gold is nothing in this game. Before I even fenced my first item, I was buying 5 to 8000 houses and fully furnishing them and still having over 10K left over based on dungeon loot alone. You are doing something seriously wrong.


Theft is "too strong and annoying at the same time?" WTF?

If you actually did the Thieves Guild quests, you would know that you can find several fences in towns all over Skyrim. And theft is supposed to be strong yet annoying. That is the point.

It is extremely unrealistic that npcs should just magically know when you've stolen something. And are you actually suggesting that there should be gamebreaking consequences for being caught stealing? The entire town trying to kill you isn't enough?


Magic is quite terrible once you hit about level 30, I will agree with that. But I find some serious problems with all your other premises.

Edited by Ardus
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But anyway, the ice troll you encounter on your way to meet the monks for the first time is impossible to beat for any mage character, for instance. Even though they're "weak to fire" a single firebolt does 1/25th their life and by the time you can cast 25 of those you're far beyond dead. Mid/late game it is always better to use a melee weapon over magic, except in instances where you're being swarmed by a lot of enemies (which is... almost never) in which case AOE spells are decent, but only when you can anticipate an encounter and prepare, timing the spell just right. And even then, all those attackers will likely be left with 20-40% of their life, which you'll have to fight off with 0 magicka.




Maybe if you just rush the main story without doing anything else. And even if you did you could run past that Ice troll, but if you couldn't beat the ice troll you are going to face tremendous difficulties on some of the later fights.

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Theres a mod out now that rebalances magic, im level 30ish and chain lightning has actually become useful. Even without the construction set they have managed to modify perks and a lot of other useful stuff. Have a look at empowered magicka and see if this helps anyone, playing a mage. It does still need work but its a start until we have the proper Ck

where can this mod be found? did a quick search for it and found nothing

*EDIT* nevermind, found it- was looking on tesnexus not skyrim nexus :)

Edited by Ashbean
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Oh hey Ontopic Edit



Either screw the idea or invest a lot of time into playing the game yourself in all the ways it can and is played.


Third idea, Get a team together who have that information (Say four or five guys who each decided to go a different route) and have them help. I don't think learning everything possible about this game is possible with just one person.


Problem is that you do not have "pure skils" but mage/warriors, sneak/mages archery/mages, 2hand ´+ mage etc. so that's not easily doable caus the balance must be remained even you skill "weird" or let's call it "other" that's the main issue to maintain. Which for me is nearly not possible.

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