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XP to Windows 7, Morrowind crash on startup


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I installed Morrowind on my friend's computer when he had Windows XP. The game ran ok. It crashed occasionally. Now I've installed windows 7 on the computer. I reinstalled Morrowind and the game won't even start. The Morrowind launcher window comes up, I hit play and it crashes. No error message. Windows just tells me something like "This program has stopped working." The crash happens immediately. The game window doesn't even fill the screen before it crashes. If I click on options on the launcher menu the game does the same thing. It crashes. So I can't even look at the options. The game is completely nonfunctional. I don't know what to do and I'm sorry I don't have more info. I wish I had some kind of error message. The computer is a Dell Dimension E310. The computer hardware can't be the problem because it was running fine on XP.
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I installed Morrowind on my friend's computer when he had Windows XP. The game ran ok. It crashed occasionally. Now I've installed windows 7 on the computer. I reinstalled Morrowind and the game won't even start. The Morrowind launcher window comes up, I hit play and it crashes. No error message. Windows just tells me something like "This program has stopped working." The crash happens immediately. The game window doesn't even fill the screen before it crashes. If I click on options on the launcher menu the game does the same thing. It crashes. So I can't even look at the options. The game is completely nonfunctional. I don't know what to do and I'm sorry I don't have more info. I wish I had some kind of error message. The computer is a Dell Dimension E310. The computer hardware can't be the problem because it was running fine on XP.

I am not familar with 7 yet but have you tried to set the game to run in xp or 98 mode

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I installed Morrowind on my friend's computer when he had Windows XP. The game ran ok. It crashed occasionally. Now I've installed windows 7 on the computer. I reinstalled Morrowind and the game won't even start. The Morrowind launcher window comes up, I hit play and it crashes. No error message. Windows just tells me something like "This program has stopped working." The crash happens immediately. The game window doesn't even fill the screen before it crashes. If I click on options on the launcher menu the game does the same thing. It crashes. So I can't even look at the options. The game is completely nonfunctional. I don't know what to do and I'm sorry I don't have more info. I wish I had some kind of error message. The computer is a Dell Dimension E310. The computer hardware can't be the problem because it was running fine on XP.

I am not familar with 7 yet but have you tried to set the game to run in xp or 98 mode


I tried compatibility mode with XP, but not 98.

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If you clicked detailed information in problem signature list , the ProblemEventName saying "APPCRASH",.then you need try to turn Off the DEP setting for the application, Got to System Properties -> Advanced -> Data Execution Prevention, and select Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those i select (radio button options). Then browse the application.

It might not the answer you're looking for, but its common issue with some old applications.

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check the obvious


is this game installed to the dreaded programs(x86) directory


if so - your problem may be a gift from Microsoft called UAC


best solution --


very serious uninstall

then re-install somewhere else

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check the obvious


is this game installed to the dreaded programs(x86) directory


if so - your problem may be a gift from Microsoft called UAC


best solution --


very serious uninstall

then re-install somewhere else


It could very well be this; many games have issues with UAC, I've run Morrowind on Windows 7x64-bit for quite some time now with no issues at all. I'm even using the graphics extender and a ton of mods. I have it installed to my "D" drive rater than "C".

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This could be the issue. However, I have UAC turned off. Well, you can't really turn it off but you can make it less annoying. I also always use "run as administrator." I thought this would alleviate any UAC problems, but I forgot to try installing to a different directory. I'll give that a try and post my results.
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  • 4 years later...

I have a similar, but recent TES3 problem on a Win 10 system. Morrowind is installed on D:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Morrowind\... Following is my tale of woe:


Why Is Newly Re-installed Morrowind Crashing on Start-up?:

I recently reinstalled Morrowind and set about remodding it by following guidelines in BTB's Morrowing Mod List. I ran Morrowind Code Patch and MGE 3.8.0. After running Mlox several times and correcting the conflicts it turned up using NMM and various mod sources, I started Morrowind. After protesting with several pop-up error messages, it promptly crashed. The Warnings file follows:


“One of the files that "Vivec_Voice_addon TRIBUNAL.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors.

One of the files that "BetterClothesForTB.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors.

One of the files that "Passive_Healthy_Wildlife.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors.

One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Unable to find referenced object "|MGEpipe" in script MGE_Zoom.”



I could not find a “Foot” either. But I did find and install Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp. BetterClothesForTB and BetterClothesBloodmoonPlus and More Better Clothes Vol 1 - Vanilla also are installed. Was not able to find anything like "|MGEpipe" nor how to do anything to MGE_Zoom.


I do not understand why a change in an .ESP's master file since the “last save” makes any difference when there are NO SAVES for a new game. Nevertheless, I disabled the 3 offending .esp's and tried again. The game crashed again on start-up leaving a shorter warnings.txt:


“Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Unable to find referenced object "|MGEpipe" in script MGE_Zoom.”

Mlox shows nothing related to Better Clothes nor MGE_Zoom ?

So ... does anyone know how to overcome this problem?

Following is the Mlox listing of mod order:

_001_ Morrowind.esm

_002_ Tribunal.esm

_003_ Bloodmoon.esm

_004_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm

_005_ Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm

_006_ Morrowind Advanced.esm

_007_ GDR_MasterFile.esm

_008_ Better Heads.esm

_009_ Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm

_010_ Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm

_011_ Clean UMPP-fixes-BTB-v2.esp

_012_ Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp

_013_ Less Lore.esp

_014_ Almalexia_Voicev1.esp

_015_ Dagoth Gares_Voice_addon v1.1.esp

_016_ Talrivian's State-Based HP Mod v.2.2.esp

_017_ Service Requirements (BTB Edit).esp

_018_ BTB - Settings (Alternate).esp

_019_ BetterClothesBloodmoonPlus.esp

_020_ Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit).esp

_021_ More Better Clothes.ESP

_022_ Ice_ElegantGowns.esp

_023_ Ice_GownOfAzura.esp

_024_ IceBradyHurdyRobeReplacerPLUS (BTB Edit).esp

_025_ DM_DB Armor Replacer-Exp (BTB Edit).esp

_026_ Almalexia Armor (BTB Edit).esp

_027_ Ice's Glass Cuirass.esp

_028_ Ice_Wolf_Cuirass_Mod.esp

_029_ Ice_FemaleSteelCuirass.esp

_030_ Ice's BM Ice & NordicMail.esp

_031_ Ice_RubyKnightsArmor.esp

_032_ OfficialMods_v5.esp

_033_ Locked doors fix.esp

_034_ WeatheredSigns.esp

_035_ Skill Progress.esp

_036_ Take Notes.esp

_037_ BetterBooks_AlchFormfix.esp

_038_ Daggerfall Collection Ver 1.0 (BTB Edit).esp

_039_ Daggerfall Collection Ver 1.1 (BTB Edit).esp

_040_ DN-GDRv1.1.esp

_041_ DN-GDRv1 (BTB Edit).esp

_042_ The Neverhalls.esp

_043_ Better Bodies.esp

_044_ Morrowind Code Patch Showcase.esp

_045_ MGE examples.esp

_046_ Timeslip's trinkets.esp

_047_ container tweak.esp

_048_ Better Music System (BTB Edit) (Vanilla).esp

_049_ Quieter_UI_Sounds.esp

_050_ A_flock_of_seagulls.esp

_051_ ASE Complete (BTB Edit).esp

_052_ Illuminated Windows v1.2.esp

_053_ Illuminated Windows - Bloodmoon v1.2.esp

_054_ Area Effect Projectiles (PAR Edit).esp

_055_ New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp

_056_ New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp

_057_ Quick Char (Timescale Edit).esp

_058_ BTB - Character (Alternate).esp

_059_ Argonian wb toggle.ESP

_060_ Khajiit Night Eye Toggle.ESP

_061_ SG-BB-for-beasts.esp

_062_ DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp

_063_ Ice_RheddsWE4Hair.esp

_064_ MW_Adv_Required (BTB Edit).esp

_065_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists_BM.esp

_066_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists_TB.esp

_067_ Syc_HerbalismforPurists (Pearl Bug Edit).esp

_068_ EcoAdjCrime (Tresspass Edit).esp

_069_ EcoAdjMerchantSkills (Disposition Edit).esp

_070_ KS_Ren's_Oblivion_Hair_for_Morrowind_1.0.esp

_071_ Dagoth Ur Fix.esp

_072_ EmmasKhuul.esp

_073_ MorrowindStrut.ESP

_074_ Hortator Nerevarine Fix.ESP

_075_ House of Earthly Delights, Harem Style.esp

_076_ Seyda Shack V1.1.esp

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