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What city did you want to go to first?


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I am interested to hear your story - assuming you went to Whiterun first, what was the city that you wanted to visit first, and why? How did learn about the city?



For me, it's Riften. When I arrived in Whiterun I had no knowledge of Skyrim geography, or anything about it's cities. I soon realized I didn't much like Whiterun, and upon reading a book from the Jarl's library I read descriptions of each hold. Riften drew the most interest, due to it's dark, sinister reputation. I wanted to seek out the thieve's guild and join. So I took to my feet and ran there.


How bout you?

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I just went to the closest towns first, being Whiterun and Windhelm. After doing the first mission with the Graybeards I decided to head east, to Riften. After that I've pretty much visited places based on their locations. Only recently entered Markarth for the first time...
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