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Precombine, and PreVis data Not Mod Specific


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So, Here is a problem that I have noticed specifically because I am working with mods that edit world cells.


the Precombine NIFs, and PreVis UVDs are not generated in a mod specific manner. They are not given a unique name, or placed in a mod specific folder when generated.


If you are making mods that edit world cells, then you may run into the problem I have.


If you edit one mod, and genereate new Precombine and PreVis data; Then you edit a second mod that makes changes to the same cell, and generate new Precombine and PreVis data, then the first mod will be broken when you try to load it up in your game.(sorry for that horrible sentence. I hope the way I punctuated it makes sense.)


The reason for this is that the first mod and second mod both ref the same file name for it's precombine data. Since none of the names are unique, and the files are not sorted into mod specific folders, The both mods just use the same data.


This is I HUGE oversight on Bethesda's part, and I hope they correct it soon. I have opened a topic on their site. Hopefully they look into it, and fix this issue.

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This has been changed now...exactly when, though, I don't know.


The precombined uvd and nif files now go into subfolders with the name of your mod.


Ex: /Fallout 4/Data/Vis/xxx.esp (this is a folder, regardless if it looks like it has a file extension as I've typed it out)


p.s. I'm sure Trosski has noticed this...mentioning it more in case of someone else coming across this thread.

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I must be running an out of date CK version then, because My ck puts Vis data into a Fallout4.esm folder, and the precombine meshes just show up in the precombine folder. What I have been doing is moving those files to a modname.esp folder as backup. I'll have to look into checking for an update.


Thanks for lookin out. I figured it would be possible to do. I don't know why people on Beth.net gave me crap about asking about it.

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