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An "AUCTION HOUSE" mod would be great.


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i would like to request a mod where the character can auction for items at a place where even the npc bid for them.

also allowing the character to auction his own item at a certain rate of auctioning would e great.

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I like that idea.


Just talk to the auctioneer and give him the item you'd like to auction. he would then walk out onto a stage and begin an action showing at least two other items (that you could win yourself if you had the coin) before yours. like lets say you wanted to sell your enchanted Iron great sword with a wicked fire power on it and a fear effect.


people would raise there hand showing that they made a bid for it (bids would start at 100g) and they would keep bidding until finally one guy would win the blade and then you'd have to talk to the auctioneer again to receive your winnings. Winnings would be Random maybe someone could get lucky and get your Powerful blade for a mere 568g all the way up to 100,000g or more perhaps. depending on the crowd of course.


A crowd of farmers would have less gold that a crowd of discerning rich folk looking for rare and valuable items to perhaps buy for themselves.


And it wouldn't have to be just weapons, find a random pot in a tomb sell it at an auction see what you'd get. powerful magic scrolls auction it. Dragon bones, you guessed it, auction.


Would be a neat feature for my breton Mage/merchant sort of, kind of part time thief character. More ways to make MONEY!! i like it :D


Would need some good voice acting (with a decent mic) to do the auctioneering though. maybe some kind of code that makes the NPCs raise their hands when they want the item on show.

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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