Dimitian Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 (edited) I thought about how the Lunar Forge doesn’t really do much, and neither does the lunar enchantment. I wanted to suggest expanding on the lunar enchantment by adding Moon Magic, so I went over the internet to look up moon magic. In doing so, I came across blood magic while researching the blood moon phenomena (which actually exists irl. The things you learn...). If anyone just wants to do a few of these spells, that's fine. I would just like to see these ideas in the game. So, two new types of magic then. Moon Magic: LORE The moons are known to be related to the werebeast, but the layman knows not why. Many decades ago, a few magic institutions came together to make intensive study into the matter. They found that the moons have no connection to lycanthropy, but instead has influence on the mind; the moons affects to mood of mortal beings at certain phases. Going further, they discovered a potent source for augmenting illusion magic, in the same way that waystones may augment other magics. But it requires that the moons be out, otherwise the spells do not work. It also requires great concentration to resist succumbing to the influence of the Moons while tapping into their power, draining the stamina of the practitioner. The spells developed by means of this “Moon Magic” are; NOVICEILL {•} Moon flame--- The many mages involved in moon research found that Moon Magic manages to merge the schools of illusion and destruction. This spell casts a green tinted fire that is silent and renders the caster invisible, allowing them to disappear as soon as they have fired. While a single casting of flame is unlikely to kill anything, it can provide distraction to lead away a guard. The fireball does 15 points of damage (fire and forget).ILL {•} Charm---------- Basically this; http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Charm_(Oblivion). Place spells in their respective classifications (novice, apprentice, etc). APPRENTICEILL {•} Beserker------- The Moons influence the feelings of mortals, as does existing Illusion spells. By staring at the Moons to channel their power, one can enter a self induced fury, doubling stock weapon damage. This, however, is a risky spell, as all around you will see your feral state for what it is – a threat – and seek to detain you. This spell does not augment enchantment damage. ADEPTILL {•} Silence – The moons have an unexpected property; the ability to disrupt magic in general, by means of subtly disrupting the overall emotional state of a target so that they cannot determine what they are feeling an cannot focus. The targets magika is drained by 1000 and their magika regen is decreased by a factor of %150 (fire and forget).ILL {•} Moonlight----- When the moons are out, the player can charge and cast a brief gout of light that burns the target for 20 points for 3 seconds (max 60 points if you track your target correctly). ILL {•} Moondark-----When Masser waxes to full (bloodmoon, I think it was called by one of the Hunters of Hircine), Moon Magic becomes twisted; this spell requires that Masser be at its prime phase, and sputs a brief stream of dark tinted energy that burns the target for 40 points and drains 3 HP over 3 seconds (total 129 points of damage and 9 health recovered). EXPERTILL {•} Lunacy---------- Fury and Fear can both be augmented by the Moons, but only if you know how to. The mages involved in moon research not only found out how to augment them, but also how to merge the two; this spell will make all affected either launch into fury or succumb to terror, at random for each person (fire and forget). ENCHANTMENTS ARMOR {•} Fortify Illusion- When the moons are out, your skill in illusion is fortified by %20. Blood Magic: LORE In the most ancient of times, the Dragons ruled Nirn, and brought unspeakable terror, pain, and death and death to mortal-kind. Their most feared of instruments were the Dragon Priests, men who were given terrible powers in return for their allegiance and faithful execution of the will of Dragon-kind. When the Priests began their most tyrannical period of oppression, they sought abominable knowledge from the Daedric Princes, trading legions of the innocent in return for powerful magics. Among these magics was Blood Magic; the use of the power of life, instead of magic. As necromancy is backed by the Ideal Masters, and Namira is the patron of revolting acts, Blood Magic was given forth by the Dadric Prince of Domination and Enslavement; Molag Bal. Created as a gift to those who commit mass cullings, Blood Magic was independent of Magika, requiring only the power of life. Legends of Arkay and Meridia – the longest standing contenders with the Prince of Domination – taking all means possible to wipe out this magic aside, the art of Blood Magic was among the unspeakable sorceries of the Dragon Priests. When mortals rebelled, and waged successful war against their oppressors, they sought to destroy all their accursed knowledge; their Necromantic Longevity and Revenant Binding, their corruption of the minds of men and mer, their warping of time and fate, and their abhorrent abuse of blood. The mortals were successful, but only as far as destroying previous users – the Dragon Priests and their aides. Molag Bal still held the knowledge, and improved on it over the course of centuries. It was his gift to his Nirn borne spawn, the Vampire. And so Blood Magic persists, with the most powerful spells – ones that utterly dominate life itself – being hoarded by the Vampire, and the lesser, more crude spells being given to their thralls. And once in a while, a thrall manages to break free of it’s master’s hold, and leaves with all their knowledge, either to prey on whomever they encounter or spread their forbidden knowledge. Thankfully, this accursed art has a weakness; blood. It requires that the caster sacrifice his own blood, losing HP instead of MP, even if they are affecting the blood of another being. Also, the more powerful spell require another living being be present, be it man, mer, or beast. Blood magic is at it’s weakest against enemies that are immune by their very nature; automatons, familiars, and atronachs – which are all bloodless – and the undead – which while having blood, have no life within it, and thus no power. The spells developed by means of “Blood Magic” are: SPELLSDESTRUCTIONNOVICE{•} Hematoma – The easiest manipulation of blood is to move it. In this case, it is moved out of the veins and into the surrounding tissue, causing intense pain. Target takes 8 points of bleeding damage and slows the target for duration of casting. APPRENTICE{•} Haemorrhage – The vein rich orifices of the target are violently ruptured, causing 25 points of bleeding and stamina damage and staggering the target (fire and forget).{•} Blood Ward – Blood Magic can make use of the blood in others, with horrifying results. The target is damaged for 15 points and a ward that diffuses fire and frost for a total of 40 points is created in front of the caster. It will not stop lightning. If the caster allows the ward to drop, another target will be needed to activate it again.{•} Blood Drain – The life within the blood of others is transferred from their blood to yours, causing 10 points of bleeding damage and draining 15HP from the target, restoring 15HP to the caster (fire and forget). (Remember, Blood magic uses HP instead of MP; don’t miss). ADEPTDES {•} Heinous Blood Ward – The target is damaged for 60 points and a ward that diffuses fire and frost for a total of 75 points is created in front of the caster. It will not stop lightning. If the caster allows the ward to drop, another target will be needed to activate it again.DES {•} Blood Rune – The caster creates a blood rune on a nearby surface that explodes, draining 8HP from all targets in the blast radius for 15 seconds. EXPERT{•} Hematemesis – Blood is violently ruptured from all vein rich areas on and within all targets within a 10 meter radius, causing it to gush from the eyes, ears, fingernails, and be vomited from the mouth. All affected targets are staggers and vomit blood, and the caster is surrounded in a Blood Cloak.{•} Abhorrent Blood Ward - The target is damaged for 70 points and a ward that diffuses fire and frost for a total of 90 points is created in front of the caster. It will not stop lightning. If the caster allows the ward to drop, another target will be needed to activate it again. RESTORATIONAPPRENTICE{•} Transfusion – The caster uses their blood to heal another. Target is healed 10pts per second (HP and ST). Cost 10HP per second. ALTERATIONNOVICE{•} Oakblood – The power over blood means a Blood Mage can move blood...or make it immovable. This spell improves the caster’s weapon damgage by %8 – by means of moving the blood in the limbs to add velocity to a strike – and reduces all damage taken by %5 – by means of making the blood rich areas of the body harder to move, causing a cushioning effect. APPRENTICE{•} Stoneblood – Improves the caster’s weapon damage by %10, and reduces all damage taken by %8. ADEPT{•} Ironblood – Improves the caster’s weapon damage by %15, and reduces all damage taken by %10.{•} Blood Cloak – The caster draws their own blood out of their body, making it available for use, and drains HP from any who get too close; 8HP per second.{•} Inert Binding---Minds are especially vulnerable during sleep. The blood of the victim moves to your will, effectively turning the target into a puppet, albeit an incredibly ungainly one. Target will attack who you attack, but will have all skills reduced to zero due to awkward movement. Target will still incur bounty, and will be hostile once the spell wears off. Lucid targets will resist this spell. (Fire and forget.) EXPERT{•} Unwavering Ironblood – The Blood Mage holds his blood within his body, even when an open wound exists through which blood may bleed. Improves the caster’s weapon damage by %15, reduces all damage taken by %12, and increases healing rate by %10. MASTER{•} Lucid Binding—The blood in all beings bends to your every whim, moving victims however you wish, either lifting them and throwing them about, or causing significant damage through concentrated effort. The target is immobilised and takes 70 points of bleeding damage every two and a half seconds, and can be thrown wherever you wish. Death cancels the spell. CONJURATIONNOVICE{•} Blood Summon; Bloodhound – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 20 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), a Bloodhound is formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Bloodhound attacks any nearby enemy, draining 5HP of damage per hit. The Bloodhound will continue to drain 2HP from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Bloodhound disappears or is destroyed. (appearance; death hound made of blood) APPRENTICE{•} Blood Binding – The target is cursed, their blood being attracted more and more to the summons of the caster. At death, the target’s heart is torn from their body and into your hand, adding it to your inventory. (which heart you get depends on target; Human, Spriggan, Werewolf/Werebeast, Daerdra){•} Blood Curse – When revealing the secrets of Blood Magic to the Dragon Priests, Molag Bal directed the creation of the first Blood Cursed beings; beings whose blood was profaned into a disgusting mockery of life, worse than anything spawned of necromancy. These beings were especially abhorrent to Akatosh, who visits his hate onto any such abomination to enter the Sun’s light by burning them with the sacred light of Aetherius. For 60 seconds, the target is counted among the undead and is %25 weaker to fire and sun damage and burning under the Sun’s light. (turn undead, necromantic healing, and any items that trigger upon use on/against undead targets will now work on the target. Normal healing spells do not work) ADEPT{•} Blood Blade – The caster forms a blade from blood. Requires Blood Cloak be active. Sheath to dispel. (appearance; red ebony sword){•} Blood Arrow – The caster creates 12 arrows from blood. Requires Blood Cloak be active.{•} Blood Dagger – The caster forms a blade from blood. Requires Blood Cloak be active. Sheath to dispel. (appearance; red ebony dagger){•} Blood Summon; Serpent – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 40 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), a Blood Snake is formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Blood Snake attacks any nearby enemy, 9HP of damage per hit. The Blood Snake will continue to drain 5HP per second from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Blood Snake disappears or is destroyed. (appearance; a snake made of blood, if at all possible to do that. Perhaps an elongated Ice Wraith?) EXPERT{•} Blood Tentacle – The caster forms a blade that drains. Requires Blood Cloak be active. Sheath to dispel. (appearance; red Miraak’s sword, with red tentacle animation and long reaching damage){•} Blood Summon; Wraiths – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 70 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), four Blood Wraiths are formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Blood Wraiths attacks any nearby enemy, 9HP of damage per hit. Each Blood Wraiths will continue to drain 4HP per second from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Blood Wraiths disappear or are destroyed. (appearance; ice wraiths made of blood) MASTER{•} Blood Summon; Wyrm – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 120 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), a Wyrm is formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Wyrm attacks any nearby enemy, draining 25HP of damage per second. The Wyrm will continue to drain 15HP from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Blood Wyrm disappears or is destroyed. (appearance; Apocrypha Seeker made of blood) BLOOD CURSE (ENCHANTING)WEAPONS{•} Blood Extraction – %25 chance to violently pull blood out of the target for XXHP. (target vomits blood) ARMOR{•}Blood Cursed Armor – Illusion and sneaking are improved by %25. Wearer takes sun damage.{•} Blood Hoard- Once a day, if health is low, restores health to wearer and allies for XX and damages nearby enemies for XX. (Amount of health restored and damage done to enemies relies on power of enchantmet) (Curaiss, amulet, ring){•} Fortify Blood Magic and Health Regen – Blood Magic costs %XX less to cast, and Health regenerates %XX faster. (Restricted to unique item. Cannot be disenchanted and cannot be enchanted onto items){•} Fortify Blood Magic – Blood Magic costs %XX less to cast. (Restricted to unique item. Cannot be disenchanted and cannot be enchanted onto items){•} Fortify Blood Resistance – Increases resistance to Blood Magic by %XX. PERKSDES {•} Blood Poisoning – Blood spells do %25 more damage. %50 at second rank.DES {•} Gorge – Will entirely absorb a targets HP if their health is low.CON{•} Blood Summons cost half health. ITEMSHEARTSIt makes sense to include something other than soul gems to give a greater sense of immersion.More powerful hearts mean more charges for the Blood Curse. Spriggan Taproot è Equivalent of Lesser Soul GemHuman Heart è Equivalent of Common Soul GemWerewolf/Werebeast Heart è Equivalent of Greater Soul GemDaedra Heart è Equivalent of Black Soul Gem Edited June 29, 2016 by Dimitian Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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