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What NPC Do You Hate The Most?


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Maeven, definitely Maeven. She's Skyrim's answer to hillary clinton. Stupid, rude, arrogant, convinced of her own superiority(and never misses a chance to remind you of it whether you care or not). Oh yea, and greedy as they come. If not for her money, she would have been run out of town, or alternately, offered up as sacrifice to next dragon that drops by. Arguably the one character in all skyrim with zero redeeming qualities. Other characters may be more annoying in specific ways, but few match Maeven, who is an all-around, errr......witch. Yea .....witch.

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I hate the peoples in the theives guild as all they do is break the law and claim to do it as a means to keep the peace... Seriously? Why dont you try improving Riften instead of robbing and "teaching a lesson" to the people who have the money and enterprise to help the city. Also everyone you go after (excluding the certain spoiler people) are good people who are tired of being pushed around. Even the spoiler people arent all to bad.

Uh, the Thieves Guild in Skyrim never claims to be anything more then thieves and smugglers.

They are just the mafia with a different name and operate out of sewers. They arent just theives they are a crime organization. When someone reasonably push against them they robbed the guy and burned a third of his business down. That clearly makes them more then just thieves and smugglers. The fact that they dont kill is just there because theif players typically arent killers.

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I would love for there to be a mod where I can turn to Nazeem and say "Why yes, I am on my way to the Cloud District right now for lunch with the Jarl, then I'm going to bang Irileth's brains out again."

Do You Know Who I Am by Content Consumer



Not quite the same as what you want, but still, you can put the rooster-lover in his place

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