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Who wins an Enclave vs Institute 'tech off'?


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Everything I have read states that all Gen 3 synths have a "synth component" buried somewhere in their "body". This component can be obtained as a Junk Item when searching the body of any dead Gen 3 Synths. So EMP should affect this component and therefore, affect all synths.


But I am not satisfied with should or maybe. So using console commands, I added a couple hundred Pulse Grenades to my Inventory (I sell grenades so I did not have any available) and spawned a Courser (the toughest Gen 3 available) at my location. Using nothing but pulse Grenades, I was able to defeat said Courser with ten Pulse grenades. The downside is that the pulse grenades deliver their damage over a period of time, and not all at once; so the Courser was able to get his licks in (how can it be a pulse if it has duration?). I then repeated this experiment with a Synth Leader (The toughest Gen 2 Synth), and the results were actually worse. I was able to defeat the Synth Leader, but it took almost six times the grenades (fifty five) to do the job.


This experiment was performed in the Arena I had left over from that Dumb Settlement DLC, so nobody could run off and hide.


So based on this limited experiment ...

  • EMP damages synths, but does not disable them. @RattleAndGrind had a logical argument, but ultimately he got that wrong.
  • The Gen 3 synths seem to be more susceptible to EMP than the older Gen 2 Synths. @CinderMuffin got that one wrong.

But it is fun to play with the ideas.

Edited by FriedGeoduck
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Well tactics aside there is remedents of the American government and a really advanced university of research or whatever they are. the enclave has hold of some the last remaining natural resources ( oil and such ). They also have the modified version of the FEV virus which probably wont affect the institute since they are pure humans not affected by the wastes and exposed to radiation. They could also make troops like Frank Horrigan since they have the origanal not just the modified version of the FEV virus i believe, and they could control them well since they did with Frank Horrigan.



well thats all I got most info of the enclave was explained and I really have no info on the institute that everyone doesn't already know.

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Well tactics aside there is remedents of the American government and a really advanced university of research or whatever they are. the enclave has hold of some the last remaining natural resources ( oil and such ). They also have the modified version of the FEV virus which probably wont affect the institute since they are pure humans not affected by the wastes and exposed to radiation. They could also make troops like Frank Horrigan since they have the origanal not just the modified version of the FEV virus i believe, and they could control them well since they did with Frank Horrigan.



well thats all I got most info of the enclave was explained and I really have no info on the institute that everyone doesn't already know.

Poseidon Oil Rig was destroyed so there goes them having any oil. They didn't make Frank Horrigan, he fell into a vat of FEV while on duty in Mariposa and ended up that way. He was a complete accident and it goes against the Enclave's ideology.

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  • 1 year later...

Enclave don't have EMPs though and the only EMP we've seen in lore or game was in New Vegas and it's design was to make power armor stop working. So the Enclave using EMPs on the battlefield would hurt them.


As for Synths they'd have no way to detect Gen 3s without x-rays or dissection. The Institute could probably easily infiltrate them as a simple DNA test won't work and trying to scan every member on a regular basis wouldn't work all that well and waste time and energy.


The Enclave would lose because they always lose and they always underestimate their enemies. They underestimated the Chosen One, they underestimated the NCR, they underestimated the BoS. They're just bound to lose. The simple fact that the Institute can make more units with the Enclave's only way to re-populate their ranks would take decades because death to everyone but us ideology.


The NCR and BoS have more power than the Institute does, so do their Fallout 2 equivalents. Also, both factions were reliant on the Chosen One to defeat the Enclave, so the only hope the Institute has of defeating, let alone destroying said Enclave during its time is by relying on the Sole Survivor to do all the work.

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