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How to merge mods?


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Let's say I have Ainmhi mod and Black Luster mod.

I load Oblivion.esm, Ainmhi.esp and BlackLuster.esp and set Ainmhi.esp as my active file

I create a Ainmhi NPC somewhere in Bravil and want to equip her with BlackLuster equipment but here comes the error.

"The item is not unique" or whatever it is...


My solution is to merge mods but how to merge mods?

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OBMR is a mod remover program where you put a copy of the plugin in a folder then it will automatically delete the particular mod.

So my merged mod is just a single plugin file or it contains all the meshes and all? so I if delete a mesh from my merged plugin, the original mesh will not be available anymore ... Hmm, kinda messy

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OBMR is a mod remover program where you put a copy of the plugin in a folder then it will automatically delete the particular mod.

So my merged mod is just a single plugin file or it contains all the meshes and all? so I if delete a mesh from my merged plugin, the original mesh will not be available anymore ... Hmm, kinda messy


For example:

I merged Beautiful People and babe hairs. The merged plugin uses both of all BP resources and babe hair resources. That means, if I delete a babe hair mesh or texture from \data, my merged plugin cannot locate it anymore.

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