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All NPC for Marriage


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I think, and I know that I'am not the only one who wont to be able to get marriage on every NPC wich I like to, not only wich is available on this moment in vanilla skyrim.

So I'll be very glad if someone can change this things, and we can get marriage any NPC we'd like to.



I don't mean that to have multiple marriage, I mean that those NPC that is available at this moment for marriage are not so beauty at all.

Edited by Diablo_md
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You can of course not be able to marry ANYONE. If you for example marry anyone related to a quest, that would mess up the quest.


Example: You marry the Jarl of Solitude. She won't be able to act as Jarl anymore, she can't give out quests, etc.

Edited by Cepherit
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I think, and I know that I'am not the only one who wont to be able to get marriage on every NPC wich I like to, not only wich is available on this moment in vanilla skyrim.

So I'll be very glad if someone can change this things, and we can get marriage any NPC we'd like to.



While I like the idea I have to agree. Maybe limit it to all the non-essentials. Or Throw into the game more random ppl in general (let them travel a lot and sleep in the inns)

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I found very good thing about this on http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim)


Opening the console can be done through the tilde-key (~), it sits before the "1" key and under the ESC-key.


Codes using Toggle command:


Addfac <variable> 1 - Adds the selected NPC to a faction (e.g. "addfac 19809 1" adds an NPC to the marriage-faction, allowing players to marry this NPC)


So my request have no more question!

The topic can be closed.

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I have the same problem

I've tried already everything on some non-marryable npcs, but it doesn't work.

The toogle command failed too -.-

I had found Delphine attractive to me, but she's the part of main quest.

As a second one, I have chosen Legate Rikke.


I'll be waiting just for bethesda's creation kit.

Edited by Lacorpse
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You can of course not be able to marry ANYONE. If you for example marry anyone related to a quest, that would mess up the quest.


Example: You marry the Jarl of Solitude. She won't be able to act as Jarl anymore, she can't give out quests, etc.


I married Aela the Huntress and she still gives out quests to me.

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