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Mods for Smithing and Enchanting


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After couple of days playing, I have some ideas for mods.


1. Add the possibility to disintegrate weapons and armors from loot to ingots, leather straps etc. as a part of possible activities during smithing.


2. Enhance the Enchanting possibilities. The selection of spells available for enchanting is really limited and it is not possible to use spells like Light, Detect Life, Night sight, Invisibility, Silence etc. for enchanting :-(( Overall, the Oblivion enchanting was WAY better.


3. Spellmaking - this does not exist in Skyrim and it is a pitty.

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Disassembling gear is something that feels very much missing.


I'm a little ambivalent on spellmaking. In Oblivion it was really hax. Making it a high-end perk would be fine, perhaps?


I would like to add...


4. An option that tradeskills do NOT contribute to player level. If you tradeskill a lot you can wind up being very weak compared to the baddies you're fighting. You can still get similar gear without tradeskilling, even if you have to spend adventure/travel time collecting it, so enjoying the trades ought not incur a weakness out in the world.

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I'd like to see modular models in crafting. Got a rad new helmet? Do you want horns with that? Great! Oh, you don't have any ram/goat/dragon/deer/etc. horns in your inventory. How about a ruby set into the forehead instead?


I tried to suggest relatively easy mods which can be made quickly, days after Construction Kit release :-)


I understand what do you mean, but this kind of mod will be a bit complicated. You will need 3D models and textures for all variants of helmets the player can craft. The same for gloves, shoes, armors etc. It is a lot of work.


Weapon/armor decomposition and enhanced enchanting will be relatively simple in Construction Kit (if it will be similar to Oblivion Construction Set).

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