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I love scavenging loot; like swords, gems, armors, etc. but where does the character keep it all. For the sake of realism how about making a wearable backpack. I know the models for such things as knapsacks and apothecary's bags exist, now they just need to be made wearable. I think that the carry weights that already exist are fine, but for the sake of realism and immersion it would be great to be able to wear those bags. This may even dovetail into another idea I had, which was the moving of the quiver, and perhaps an entire quiver redesign. I'll make that a new thread though.
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where does the character keep it all.


Hammer space of course.


I would love to see some backpack mods, as well as a rope mod. Although in all honesty that would be utterly difficult to accomplish to say the least. You see the rope would be for bundling all your unused weapons together. As for armour, well that stuff ain't gonna fit nowhere. You would have to head home and mount it onto some mannequins, unless it is leather armour of course.


The backpacks would have to use hammer space themselves obviously, but it makes more sense having a backpack magically imbued than your undergarments and or pockets.

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I'd love to see that. So much can be done with this... Maybe even make it so different backpacks add different amounts to your carry weight and add wearable pouches that appear on you when you have certain items in your inventory. So if you have gems on you, a gem pouch appears around your waist. If you have ingredients you get another pouch and when you got potions you get to see a potion around your waist.
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Backpack would be nice. And with that some sense / rules of volume.


A backpack should be available in different sizes and PC can also find/buy extra pocket/slots etc.

There should be a time delay (with a nice, short animation in 3rd person, where PC uses the backpack) for taking stuff out of inventory, and into use.

PC can roam around, and collect /getter stuff and items. But then the hands are occupied, until its stored into backpack. If the PC needs to draw weapon before "storage", all items in hands will drop to the ground. (extremely skill players can hold stuff in on hand and swing the weapon or cast a spell with the other.

All items should be categorized into sizes, and each size could contain certain amount of weight.

All smaller sizes can fit into a bigger one, if the size no. and weight allows it.

For ex (and up for discussions):

  • all weapons goes into size "slot"
  • Armour breastplates of hard material are size "7"
  • Heavy armour helmets are size "6"
  • All other armour made of hard and heavy material are size "5"
  • Light armour shirt/jacket are size "4"
  • Dresses, robes, cloaks etc are size "3"
  • All other light armour, clothing, ore, ingots, books etc are size "2"
  • All other items, food, ingredients, gems, septims, potions, scrolls, lockpicks, etc are size "1"

Then the sizes gets a weight limit: Ex size 7 can hold 1 Dragonbone armour, but 2 Glas (because its lighter) A slot can hold one Great sword, but 2 or 3 wood bows etc



A backpack can contain a certain amount of sizes (ex: 4xslots, 1x7, 1x6, 2x5, 2x4, 4x1) That gives you 35 "size 1" and 4 slots


Ingame this is visual for the gamer by colour bars /percentage when he sees a overview of the character body, backpack and sizes/slots/pockets (click-n-zoom). With easy drag-n-drop between different sizes/slots/pockets, you get a more realistic amount for stuff you can carry.



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For my part I wouldn't want anything that's overthought, just extra carrying capacity and a cool looking way to do it-- and stop doing it, when necessary.


Also, different styles of packs for different classes/career choices: A thief won't want a huge camper's pack, and a rompin'-stompin' warrior won't want a cute little hip-bag. EVERYONE, however, will want as much capacity as everyone else, though.


And has been said, the models exist in the game, it'll just be a matter of taking those and making them wearable. (Not that new models would be all bad, either... I wouldn't cry if I had the option of using a nylon/canvas bag with a North Face or L. L. Bean logo on it. ^_^)

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