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Ammo Inventory Screen - Fusion Core "Charge" -its not what you think!

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OK, so open your pipboy, scroll to your ammo tab and take a look at your fusion cores.


You'll notice the charge info graphic. Which appears to just say charge, and then display number/100 best guess is this is a calculation turning the health (modified by all the perks) into a percentage

I don't want to see a percentage, I want to see the actual numbers 397/500 or 987/1100


Thats all I want.


I'm beginning to think its done inside the interface swf's but i am way out of my league delving into that stuff (plus i already searched for "charge", "battery", "core", etc in all of it.


This has got to be somewhere in the code, but for the life of me I just can't find it. I've searched the geck pretty heavily and found some things.


I've found all the keywords, ammo, etc in the geck, but not where this percentification (is that a word) happens.


Any help would be MOST appreciated.


See, i told you this wasn't what you thought it was going to be.

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Yup, but thats just the keyword, i want to modify how it displays the information. Been routing through the .swf files pretty heavily, i understand most of whats going on in the pipboy inventory swf with the item entries, but im not seeing anything in there to do the calculations aside from the +++ --- of weapon and are improvements.


Are there hidden scripts? I manually went through pretty much every papyrus entry i could find and no dice

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Yup, but thats just the keyword, i want to modify how it displays the information. Been routing through the .swf files pretty heavily, i understand most of whats going on in the pipboy inventory swf with the item entries, but im not seeing anything in there to do the calculations aside from the +++ --- of weapon and are improvements.


Are there hidden scripts? I manually went through pretty much every papyrus entry i could find and no dice

UI editing is relatively impossible as is far as I know, ppl have been trying to work around it since the swf are a bit restrictive. Another guy suggested the tracker may be found in detail with flash editing, but I know nothing about that.

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