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Armor Rating


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By all means, if anyone figures this out please let me know. I am trying to work it out as well, but something seems...off. To the point of possibly being bug-related, in fact.


Consider: When I pick up a two hand weapon, I see between 20 - 24 damage. That is, granted, the base damage the weapon does, without any modifiers.


Now I check my armor rating. Which is somewhere considerably upward of 50. So here is a weapon formerly wielded by a now dead enemy (Nords excel at making enemies former enemies, at least.) This weapon has a base damage of less than half my armor rating. Yet, left unchecked, this weapon devastates me. Even blocked, this weapon dealt me considerable damage.


I simply do not get it. I even wonder whether we are dealing with game wide, universal "Point Lookout" Enchantments. You know, the ones on the weapons in that DLC that dealt extra damage but only AGAINST the player? I seriously doubt that is the case, but it would be nice to know how things work.

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Consider: When I pick up a two hand weapon, I see between 20 - 24 damage. That is, granted, the base damage the weapon does, without any modifiers.

Well if it's like Oblivion, the 20 damage on the weapon is how much damage your character would do, not the base damage of the weapon. Crank up your two-hand skill, and you'll see that the damage on the weapon will be higher.


I'm not sure if there's an in-game way to get the base damage. You could look it up in the Creation Kit when it comes out, or maybe FO3Edit might show it. OBSE had the GetAttackDamage function, but I'm not sure if Skyrim has it.


EDIT: Also, I don't know how the armor rating works in this game. Sorry for kinda offtopic there.

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