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Own a castle/fort


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I love the idea of owning your own castle, but I think you should build on a pre existing for that you take from bandits. The fort is given to you as a reward for your services in one of the holds (you should only have one fort per play through).


• Neutral: Forts that you have access to before taking a side in the civil war quest line. You must be a thane to be granted in the respective hold to be given a fort.


o Whiterun Hold: You have a random encounter with the courier and he gives you a letter from Jarl Baalgruf the Greater telling you to come to the aid of Whiterun which is under siege by a Bandits and Giants. After ending the siege you can choose to either take a fort as a reward or 10000 gold. (Fort Greymoor)


o The Rift: It’s the same principle as in Whiterun, but instead of giants the bandits are allied with an Orc Stronghold (Treva’s Watch)


o The Reach: would be with a Forsworn attack on Markarth, you must have done the “No One Escapes Cidhna Mine” quest and sided against the Forsworn. The fort in this hold would have extra income for being in good terms with The Silver-Blood (Broken Tower Redoubt)


• Pro empire: Forts available through the civil war quest line when you favor the Empire


o Eastmarch: is given to you as a reward for the completion of the civil war quest line if you don’t have a fort. It’s garrisoned by imperials that you command. You are given 20000 gold otherwise (Mistwatch)


o Falkreath Hold: given after completing the optional quest of clearing the Stormcloak incursion to the hold. Optional reward 5000 gold. (Cracked Tusk Keep)


• Pro Stormcloak: Forts available through the civil war quest line when you favor the rebellion.


o Eastmarch: given after completing the optional quest of clearing the Imperial incursion to the hold. Optional reward 5000 gold. (Mistwatch)


o Falkreath Hold: is given to you as a reward for the completion of the civil war quest line if you don’t have a fort. It’s garrisoned by Stormcloak soldier that you command. You are given 20000 gold otherwise (Cracked Tusk Keep)



After obtaining your Fort you begin a new quest-line for rebuilding with the basic like:


• Supplies:

o Food

o Ore

o Lumber


• Craft-men

o Blacksmith

o Alchemist

o Fletcher


• Faction representative:

o Dark brotherhood

o Thieves Guild

o College of Winterhold

o Companions

o Bards College


• Defending:

o Bandits randomly siege your Fort.

o Dragon attacks


• Special Bounties

o The Jarls request your help with the siege of other forts



And after completing both the civil war quest-line and the main story you gain the option to attack other Jarls or rebel against the Jarl of your hold.

Edited by liebeleben
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I have a good idea for a mod I would like to share with you.


As you all know, there is a lot of destroyed and ruined castles in skyrim. They are mostly vacant and infested by bandits.


Now imagine a mod, that would let you buy the property of these castles from a jarl and than have this castle rebuild. Paying for improvements. Than you can get your own guards patroling this area and name them as you like, get hunters to hunt game, and tranders to set up shop. You can get a small market and a bedchamber, forge, your own army. The base property would cost for example 7000g, with each upgrade lets say 5000g.


This would enable you to get yourself a proper residence that fits the rank of dragonborn hero!


You would start with just the ruin which you would own. First the bandits would still be there, so you would have to clear them. Once the ruin is cleared you can start buying upgrades.

Some upgrade examples:

  • Rebuild the walls
  • Add forge -enables you to buy repair enhance weapons
  • Add market - sell and buy supplies items
  • Add guardhouse - get your own guards to patrol the area
  • Add housing - get NPC's to roam your castle
  • Build a bigger main tower
  • Add stable

I have zero experience with modding, but I suppose making all that is not all that hard. Setting up roaming patterns for guards, and spawning NPC, and placing buildings shouldn't be to hard.


If there is a modder interested in doing this, and has enough experience, I would be super happy!


If you have any more ideas to add, please do.




hmm... this doesnt seem to bad. we would have to wait for the creation kit to come out, but i think i might be able to do this. like you said it shouldnt be to hard. ive done similar things in oblivion but never released it. hmm... we shall see.


Well, I think it should be directional also..not just "build bland town here"...


Like, if I am an evil bastard warrior, I might want to lead it towards being a outlaw type stronghold, Or my mage would go for a more university style twisty towers and such...aka, choose a path for the town as you build.


Also, a area near say Riverrun is bound to have a different texture and feel than something near Winterhold...so, location also needs to be considered.


Ultimately, this sounds like a mod that needs to be really considered and perhaps done by a team verses just some guy plopping vanilla meshes everywhere and calling it done...I love the idea of grow the ruins back to glory, but not if its just another useless small village that has no real affinity towards my personal character. If I am a shadow dwelling thief, I want a town that suits my personal tastes...dark corners, lots of close together buildings with awnings and such to crawl on...hard to really describe the point in detail, but I think you get the picture.

Put thoughts into the variations...and if you do that, then you can apply that pattern to several locations around skyrim (and other lands).


Finally, here is something to consider. When the kit comes out, you may consider using assets from oblivion (not in the mod, make the mod require oblivion to be loaded also...or at least the "advanced pack")..then you can get all sorts of interesting goodies that would make your building more remarkable than what can currently be done.


Good idea btw.


and i would have been the guy plopping in vanilla textures, but then again, whats wrong with that? skyrim has many good textures working for it. all the things you described for different characters should be in places most suited for that character i.e thief in riften, worrior in helgen, mage near winterhold, assassin near the brotherhood sanctuary. use the forts available, shouldnt be an issue. i get your point on being suited for your character, mine is, why not use what is already available. we have so much more at our disposal than we did in oblivion. when the CK comes out, we can obviously find out just what we will be capable of.

Edited by NathanRyan
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There is a place that seems to be almost INTENDED for just such a "rebuild". It's large enough to support all the desires of any "Builder" player, is in complete disrepair, but not in utter ruin. It's infested with Bandits, and noone else is using it. AND, if it would matter, could be directly tied in to the storyline as a "reward" for either completing the Rebellion (my preference) or Alduin + Rebellion story arcs....


This mythical magic place is..... well, the very place you nearly lost your head, Helgen.


Helgen would definitely have an ironic plot-twist feel to it. It also has a lot of area in order to create a large castle/town with which all of these ideas (except the last one with different forts for different cities) could be used. It has a fort inside, a town outside, walls, etc already put half-way in place. Buying the land would have to be expensive, as would the improvements, but that's how buying a city goes.


(in response to whomever said the price should be 10K gold): I think 10,000 is wayyy too low. I mean, one of the houses in Oblivion cost 25,000 without any improvements. I don't know about many other people here, but after doing a few quests and leveling up to the point where I'd be influential enough to have a town/fort, I had well over 200,000 on top of every house available. I'd think something more along the lines of 25,000-50,000 would be more realistic, with the improvements costing another 25,000-50,000.


This would make it much more difficult to own the town initially, and, if you didn't have the money, would give people something to work towards.

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There is a place that seems to be almost INTENDED for just such a "rebuild". It's large enough to support all the desires of any "Builder" player, is in complete disrepair, but not in utter ruin. It's infested with Bandits, and noone else is using it. AND, if it would matter, could be directly tied in to the storyline as a "reward" for either completing the Rebellion (my preference) or Alduin + Rebellion story arcs....


This mythical magic place is..... well, the very place you nearly lost your head, Helgen.


Helgen would definitely have an ironic plot-twist feel to it. It also has a lot of area in order to create a large castle/town with which all of these ideas (except the last one with different forts for different cities) could be used. It has a fort inside, a town outside, walls, etc already put half-way in place. Buying the land would have to be expensive, as would the improvements, but that's how buying a city goes.


(in response to whomever said the price should be 10K gold): I think 10,000 is wayyy too low. I mean, one of the houses in Oblivion cost 25,000 without any improvements. I don't know about many other people here, but after doing a few quests and leveling up to the point where I'd be influential enough to have a town/fort, I had well over 200,000 on top of every house available. I'd think something more along the lines of 25,000-50,000 would be more realistic, with the improvements costing another 25,000-50,000.


This would make it much more difficult to own the town initially, and, if you didn't have the money, would give people something to work towards.


why should you have to by it ,the original owners are dead and the nearest Jarl is miles away so why not give them 2 options offer them the land for 60,000 as it is completely trashed and then pay the expediences or give you the choice to talk to the guy in riften in the thieves guild who fixes up the dark brotherhood sanctuary to illegally repair and take over it then we could create a whole quest line of assassination plots against you and fighting of jarls men (who you could maybe convince to fight for you and sabotage the Jarls castle(there could be a chance of him getting caught and executed and you being there and watching))

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I think the most natural way for this to happen has already been implemented through RTS in FO3 and NV. You could place complete castle walls pretty much over the top of the broken ones or someone could create a complete castle wall for each useable fort that would replace it
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