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huge breast size requested


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Okay guys, don't know what the attitude is about. There is one already made, been around awhile, so there.

Image - Large Breasts

File Download


I think our friend is looking for something like this:


I actually tried something similar- it was a file replacement for exnem's body- quite funny actually- came in 3 sizes- fortunately I had backed up the original file (strongly recommended)

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** SNIP **


Criticism about mods is one thing but criticizing people is a whole other ballpark which is not allowed (read: trolling and flaming)


As a warning has already been issued to you, here is Strike #1


LHammonds (File Admin)

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I am a male and like all normal males enjoy female eye candy but I am going to say this:


this is ridiculous. Get yourself some anime if you want large breasts. And personally I prefer my RL women to have breasts that I can hold without being OMG smushed by! Petite to normal size is fine with me, so to all the females out there, I feel the topic starter is just a horny teen with a breast fetish.... :closedeyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guys, why does personal preference quickly lead us into name calling? Personally I would rather eat a fresh cut of Steak then a bowl of ice cream. That doesn't make me a jerk. The guy likes his women with larger boobs. So what? "Go rent an animie" common is that called for? Honestly.
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  • 2 years later...

Off-Topic: In real world, having a huge breast is similar to live with kilograms of 2 large balls hanging on your both shoulder in 24/7, and rest of life. Imagine it. Though in game, you don't need to worry about it..


Wow, that sucks for women. Too bad I'm not a women and it's a f***ing video game

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