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Weird feet


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Hey I was wondering if your female characters (nord specifically for me) had weird plastic webbed like feet? Is that vanilla or some messed up mod I added and didnt realise because I had boots on? Can someone put up a pic of a close up of there characters feet? (sounds weird haha). Im not on my comp right now so cant upload ss of my character's but can some of you please? Thanks! Oh and which file specifically changes the feet?
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http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/649871336333487321/4EED1DAD976DE67211068740A2096C56E38DED24/ click link for my feet ( cannot use image extension on this board guessing anti spoiler feature?)


TBH think its just rubbish base body models as usual with beth :P So far we cannot edit nif(mesh) files so doubt any mod would have changed it.

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tragic effect of polygon conservation...why...dunno, probably due to the fact consoles have limitations. like no mirrors, screwed up ui, etc. think the modders did too good of a job over the years...beth seems to rely on them now rather than doing the port work themselves to make it shine as it should on PC's.
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http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/649871336333487321/4EED1DAD976DE67211068740A2096C56E38DED24/ click link for my feet ( cannot use image extension on this board guessing anti spoiler feature?)


TBH think its just rubbish base body models as usual with beth :P So far we cannot edit nif(mesh) files so doubt any mod would have changed it.


Yep, very poor human models for a game like this. That is what my male Imperial characters feet look like too. I won't be a barefoot warrior in this game, that's for sure...too damn cold anyway. LOL!!! :tongue:


Fur boots...uh huh

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