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Shout for lesser power

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I have tried to make the voice animation for a lesser power for so long but it's never worked out. I've seen it done so it's definitely possible. I've asked around before and received no answer. This is an example of it being done, I replicated the settings but it didn't work out for me. I tried contacting the author already. I suspect there's something in the script but if there's a scriptless version that would be even better.

Does anyone here know how to do it?

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Pretty sure you'll need the magicshout keyword on the effect

Didn't work.



Your going to need a script. But why not just make it a shout?

Not a fan of shouts. Script it is. I gave this a go, no luck:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(akCaster, "ShoutStart")


Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(akCaster, "ShoutStop")


Nothing played.

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What's wrong with shouts?


Edit: Or, more precisely, since you are trying to recreate the effect of a shout for the most part, which aspect of shouts are you trying to circumvent?

Edited by lofgren
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I don't play the dragonborn character any more and I usually have absorption/word walls disabled. I don't like that they're under a different tab from powers and the sound effect that plays when a shout is unlocked. The animation is useful for what I want to convey(blowing air).


I can't find the animation under idle.

Edit: I tried VoiceStart and VoiceRelease.

Edited by Elias555
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Well there is no reason shouts have to be a dragon born thing exclusively, and no reason you have to play the unlock sound or require dragon souls. But I do see what you are saying.


Does the magic effect work in all other regards?

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