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Pure Mage's Guide


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Was just fast scrolling over it and i think you forgot to mention this:

Level enchanting to 100 -> enchant 4 pieces of equipment with -25% spellcost of 2 of your favored schools -> have fun spaming spells withhout any manacost.

And you can wear light or heavy armor because u dont get any real penalty for it, except of some stuff in alteration ... but you dont need this school anyways. Also you probaly save some perkpoints because you dont need those -50% manacost perks.


So all you need are some points in destruction, restoration, enchanting and ... thats pretty much it. I leveled smithing also because of dragon armor, at least i look good while getting bored.


Thats just a tip for the people that dont want any challenge, even on master. Woudnt recommend it, the only thing that can kill you, after you achieved that gear, are onehits. And its rare that you run into anything that onehits you ... at least if u dont put everything into magicka on master.

Edited by Cyrotek
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I have seen so many comments on this!

I think its down to personal play style.


Personally I go for 1:4 health to magic - but with my recent character I was having problems as I'd levelled smithing a little too much and was getting the snot kicked out of me!

I beefed up health for a couple of levels just to give me a little more buffer.


I'm sure others will disagree with my comments though :laugh:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting used to the real world mechanics of gameplay is quite challenging. I find myself dead often and does get frustrating when you have forgotten to save and get jumped and then have to replay.


Is Q the only hotkey, ?

Can you set up other keys to cast different spells immediately or are you stuck with this tedious method of only having 2 spells.

I have stop/started one char to level 4 twice and my redguard and Khajitt are lvl 8. But I was having problems staying alive especially in two places.

one is the troll going up to high Hrothgar, one mean beast, only one time have I got him/her whatever, and last time I used stealth and invisibility to get passed but this means he follows you even into the temple and a scary cutscene worth experiencing and you don't get to read all the inscriptions on the way up cause the troll justs keeps on coming. Sorry if this is considered spoiler

Now I chose a high elf and at lvl 11 I am setting out for the greybeards and hopefully will not have any problems. I am getting better but knowing what to do in these melee situations is half the battle. It is quite weird that the trolls and giants are tougher than most dragons that I have run into sofar.

Pretty realistic really , the whole game is great, a tad overwhelming but fantastic anyway.

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Was just fast scrolling over it and i think you forgot to mention this:

Level enchanting to 100 -> enchant 4 pieces of equipment with -25% spellcost of 2 of your favored schools -> have fun spaming spells withhout any manacost.

And you can wear light or heavy armor because u dont get any real penalty for it, except of some stuff in alteration ... but you dont need this school anyways. Also you probaly save some perkpoints because you dont need those -50% manacost perks.


So all you need are some points in destruction, restoration, enchanting and ... thats pretty much it. I leveled smithing also because of dragon armor, at least i look good while getting bored.


Thats just a tip for the people that dont want any challenge, even on master. Woudnt recommend it, the only thing that can kill you, after you achieved that gear, are onehits. And its rare that you run into anything that onehits you ... at least if u dont put everything into magicka on master.


Erma.. a pure mage does not wear armor. Being strictly concerned with things arcane he or she wouldn't work a forge either.


Pure mage -> Schools of magic, alchemy, speachcraft and enchanting.

Pure mage -> Wields no weapons except magic staves and wears only clothing.


You've described a battlemage who uses only magic (I'm guessing).

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