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Total Realism Overhaul


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-Secondary Needs (optional, you will be able to enable/disable them ingame):

You need to wash on a regular basis too, or you start to smell and then people don't like you very much. Swimming anywhere will do it, but fighting, running, sprinting and especially stuff like cutting people's heads off will make you dirty. Fragrances available at select shops. Looks like custom shaders are easy to set up in the CK, so I'll include varying levels of actual, visual dirt on your character. Maybe even some flies if you opt to


Greybeards "So you have come. Tell us, can you use the Thuum? If so.... wait... what IS that smell? ~sniff~ By Talos, IT'S CALLED A BATH!!!"
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I don't know if this has come up as I did not read all the pages but have you considered allowing for food to degrade while they are on your body? For example if you had fresh deer meat and over the course of a couple of days it would rot. And eating rotting meat could get you sick ect. And the same goes for cheeses and other food they would get moldy over time if you were carrying them for days. To prevent this rotting effect there could be a special container you can purchase from the stewards called like an ice box or whatever where if you put fresh food in the food would last much longer, like for 2-3 months. If this was possible I believe it would add a much more realistic approach to hunting/gathering and it would change the dynamics of play in your system. It would also add more value to purchasing homes in order to properly store food items.
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Yeah ice box was the wrong term, I meant some kind of cooling unit that could be employed, I know back then people used to dig cellars in cold climates and stored their foods underground, that's what I had in mind. But yeah salting, smoking and drying are perfect imo.
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Glad you guys like it!


I will probably have an update in a few days, with nifty stuff like:


-Your Stomach Is No Longer A Bag Of Infinite Holding; each meal and drink you take fills it up and it takes time to digest.

-sound and visual cues as promised!

-Secondary Needs (optional, you will be able to enable/disable them ingame):

You need to wash on a regular basis too, or you start to smell and then people don't like you very much. Swimming anywhere will do it, but fighting, running, sprinting and especially stuff like cutting people's heads off will make you dirty. Fragrances available at select shops. Looks like custom shaders are easy to set up in the CK, so I'll include varying levels of actual, visual dirt on your character. Maybe even some flies if you opt to become the filthiest creature in Skyrim.

Body Functions
- he who eats has to... well, you know. Don't forget to bring some rags to clean yourself with! :P


Also let me know if there are any bugs you find with the current release of Basic Needs!


Please don't make a crapping simulator - we need combat, inventory and magic overhaul. We love you anyway, though.

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Glad you guys like it!


I will probably have an update in a few days, with nifty stuff like:


-Your Stomach Is No Longer A Bag Of Infinite Holding; each meal and drink you take fills it up and it takes time to digest.

-sound and visual cues as promised!

-Secondary Needs (optional, you will be able to enable/disable them ingame):

You need to wash on a regular basis too, or you start to smell and then people don't like you very much. Swimming anywhere will do it, but fighting, running, sprinting and especially stuff like cutting people's heads off will make you dirty. Fragrances available at select shops. Looks like custom shaders are easy to set up in the CK, so I'll include varying levels of actual, visual dirt on your character. Maybe even some flies if you opt to become the filthiest creature in Skyrim.

Body Functions
- he who eats has to... well, you know. Don't forget to bring some rags to clean yourself with! :P


Also let me know if there are any bugs you find with the current release of Basic Needs!


Please don't make a crapping simulator - we need combat, inventory and magic overhaul. We love you anyway, though.


Oh come on. It would be the first crapping simulator for a TES game! Annnd... it gives you a sense of accomplishment! Maybe I also script in a small chance that when you're answering Mother Nature's call in the woods, a BEAR!!! :tongue:

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Glad you guys like it!


I will probably have an update in a few days, with nifty stuff like:


-Your Stomach Is No Longer A Bag Of Infinite Holding; each meal and drink you take fills it up and it takes time to digest.

-sound and visual cues as promised!

-Secondary Needs (optional, you will be able to enable/disable them ingame):

You need to wash on a regular basis too, or you start to smell and then people don't like you very much. Swimming anywhere will do it, but fighting, running, sprinting and especially stuff like cutting people's heads off will make you dirty. Fragrances available at select shops. Looks like custom shaders are easy to set up in the CK, so I'll include varying levels of actual, visual dirt on your character. Maybe even some flies if you opt to become the filthiest creature in Skyrim.

Body Functions
- he who eats has to... well, you know. Don't forget to bring some rags to clean yourself with! :P


Also let me know if there are any bugs you find with the current release of Basic Needs!


Please don't make a crapping simulator - we need combat, inventory and magic overhaul. We love you anyway, though.


Don't let them discourage you, MAnsh00ter. Keep up the good work and implement your ideas, they are awesome.

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