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Total Realism Overhaul


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I think it would be great if the merchant that youre selling all that gear starts having more money after a while. Sounds simple enough to make but it would increase believability of the whole deal a lot.

- additionally things could be set up in a way that you "strike a deal" with a specific merchant in each city, then you of-load your stuff to that one with some smaller benefits as a result (like getting a 10% discount or a small amount of cash every once in a while or something small like it).

- optionally reduce the prices the players get from selling specific items too much, so selling a lot of swords makes the price you get for them go down-


- It would be much better if player had to pay for using alchemy, enchanting and smiting (free use could be one of the benefits you get for trading a lot with that particular merchant)


- If stolen property flags were removed so you can sell the stolen loot to anyone. It just doesnt make any sense the way it is setup now.

Alternatively, maybe being unable to sell the stolen loot in the city you stole it in, but being able to sell it in any other place or city, - could work.




- Make health regeneration a perk in Restoration perk tree.


- Make fast travel a perk in Illusion perk tree ;)


- make compass an item you can buy (that then shows in the hud) but otherwise disable enemy radar and undiscovered locations radar. Its nice to know which side of the world is which while traveling.


- Yes please, Healing potions heal over time.


- Also very important, make overdosing on potions a possibility so a player can get some bad effects from gulping too many at once. that would also limit the number of potions that can be taken... maybe something like Witchers toxicity gage, warning the player...


- dont like hand weaving idea for lack of archery skill, it will be annoying as hell trying to aim and fighting it all the time. Dont know the solution. maybe just make the player miss if the whole action is reliant on any numerical mechanism at all?


- full dismemberment isnt necessary and it would get grating over time, especially seeing how we fight thousands of enemies. I dont like being forced to it. Make it optional, maybe inside perk trees too.


Overhauling weight so that big items show more weight is counter intuitive. My advice, - dont bother and leave the whole issue as it is.




I would also like some sounds for each race so that my Khajjit growls and screams like a big mountain lion cat while in combat, and also has some idle audio sounds.

- Same for Argonians (hissing and such) and humans (humming, coughing, yawning etc sounds) - but discrete, nothing too loud or noticeable.


Im also up for some claws unsheathing when attacking unarmed if possible... and at least a few more animations for such attacks, including something like that swift-scratching attack Sabre cats have, or even a sort of pounce performed by jump or forward key+power attack. Or something.





Oh yeah... Wolves. Can we please turn them non hostile? The way they behave now is so annoying and stupid.

Plus they are always too easy and just get in the way.

Make them run away from the player and only have big packs of them attacking high in the mountains and/or at night. It shouldn't be a problem making them smart enough to divide into two smaller groups that would attack from two sides either.

Edited by VreyAar
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I like the ideas you're proposing, but realistically it's impossible to add all of that without breaking the game. I hope you condense it down the the more important and wanted features as you develop this.


One of my chief concerns is not to disrupt the integrity of the game world. I know this will require a lot of tweaking since there are so many different possibilities and combinations in the game, but I believe it can be done. I am not interested in making everything doable for everyone, in fact I think some things should be down right impossible, like charging into the flame of a dragon with no shield and no protection and surviving. Or taking on ten enemies at once. But what I want to do is leave the player, no matter their play style, at least one and preferably several feasible ways of dealing with any situation they may encounter. It may require more thinking and planning on the player's part, and greater playing skill than vanilla, but I consider that a good sort of challenge.


That said, there is a priority list. So most important features will come first. It may take a year to do everything I want to do with the mod, but it won't take a year for a decent version to come out.

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Hey Manshooter and everyone else,


I just wanted to chime in on the stealth discussion. From what I've read, most of you guys think that playing your stealth ranged character is too easy because the enemies forget about things too fast. But don't forget to consider the melee stealth archetype when you're talking about stealth mechanics, which is what I play.


First, I'll say that I play on Expert difficulty, and don't allow mysef to take any potions/apply poisons while in combat. So, though some melee stealthers might feel like what I'm saying is ridiculous/doesn't apply, I think it will in the context of the rest of your mod.


For archers, a missed arrow from stealth isn't a big deal. And when you hit someone with an arrow, they're only alarmed, and you have time to run somewhere else before they see you.


But for melee characters, it's pretty much like: if you mess up at all, you are SEEN, and the guards start attacking you. Or even if you don't mess up, but your sneak attack doesn't finish them off, everyone in the area instantly sees you. At that point for my character, I pretty much have to run. Remember I don't use pots in combat (or restoration magic). When I'm outside and there are cliffs/rocks around, or in a village with houses, it's usually easy to put some distance between myself and the targets and lose line of sight. But inside dungeons the cramped spaces make it a lot more difficult, so being seen in a dungeon usually means I just start running and wait for that timer to tick down (or I hit f9).


This means that encounters that take my 2h-warhammer friend 20 seconds, oftentimes take me a minute or two.


My worry is that if you extend the "alarmed" duration, it could make playing a melee stealth character too tedious/time-consuming, because every time we mess up the gank, we have to wait that much longer. I'm sure some of you would want the duration to go all the way up to 5 minutes (or a half hour) or something extreme like that, but that could make playing a melee stealther super frustrating. I think you could make the change, but not without an additional change to balance it for melee.


Somebody mentioned adding darkness to dungeons and letting melee stealthers use it to drop line of sight. I think this would be a good solution to the problem, because I could just find a dark area and do some jukage, instead of having to run/wait.

Edited by jeffrobot
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Hey Manshooter and everyone else,


I just wanted to chime in on the stealth discussion. From what I've read, most of you guys think that playing your stealth ranged character is too easy because the enemies forget about things too fast. But don't forget to consider the melee stealth archetype when you're talking about stealth mechanics, which is what I play.


First, I'll say that I play on Expert difficulty, and don't allow mysef to take any potions/apply poisons while in combat. So, though some melee stealthers might feel like what I'm saying is ridiculous/doesn't apply, I think it will in the context of the rest of your mod.


For archers, a missed arrow from stealth isn't a big deal. And when you hit someone with an arrow, they're only alarmed, and you have time to run somewhere else before they see you.


But for melee characters, it's pretty much like: if you mess up at all, you are SEEN, and the guards start attacking you. Or even if you don't mess up, but your sneak attack doesn't finish them off, everyone in the area instantly sees you. At that point for my character, I pretty much have to run. Remember I don't use pots in combat (or restoration magic). When I'm outside and there are cliffs/rocks around, or in a village with houses, it's usually easy to put some distance between myself and the targets and lose line of sight. But inside dungeons the cramped spaces make it a lot more difficult, so being seen in a dungeon usually means I just start running and wait for that timer to tick down (or I hit f9).


This means that encounters that take my 2h-warhammer friend 20 seconds, oftentimes take me a minute or two.


My worry is that if you extend the "alarmed" duration, it could make playing a melee stealth character too tedious/time-consuming, because every time we mess up the gank, we have to wait that much longer. I'm sure some of you would want the duration to go all the way up to 5 minutes (or a half hour) or something extreme like that, but that could make playing a melee stealther super frustrating. I think you could make the change, but not without an additional change to balance it for melee.


Somebody mentioned adding darkness to dungeons and letting melee stealthers use it to drop line of sight. I think this would be a good solution to the problem, because I could just find a dark area and do some jukage, instead of having to run/wait.


Im playing a melee type stealth character myself, i just occasionally use a bow and how often is it you DONT finish a enemy off? I dont think it has happened to me ever with a backstab after 15x perk... after i got the gloves there was just no way for anything to survive and im playing on master difficulty. :/

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I am SUPER pumped about these ideas. Really looking forward to it.


As so many others, I am going to add in some suggestions... Manshooter, I know it's a lot to deal with (I myself read up to the sixth page then I dropped it and went directly to post a reply...) but I hope you will read this anyway.


About what's already been suggested


- First of all, when possible, try to make your changes "optional". For example, the removal of fast travel is really a big deal and even though I am a realism lover, I am not sure if I really want this out of the game.


- I hope you make diseases look like diseases. I mean, I didn't even realise I was sick before I went into town and heard "Don't take it the wrong way, but you don't look too well". Maybe add coughing, blurry the vision as time passes, etc etc... You could couple that with your sleep overhaul, like, when you're sick, you HAVE to sleep, and NOT in the cold mountains.


- Cold effects: mages could rely on spells or enchantment to avoid freezing to death...?


- "magicka regeneration to be tied in with 'basic needs' ">> Please make a threshold like "8 hours after getting out of bed" before it really affects your character. I don't see the point of lowering magicka regeneration two hours after having gotten up.


- one of the biggest problem with the game at the time being is inventory. I can't understand how my mage character can carry around about 100 books and the same amount of potions. I think I'll be happy with the inventory system when I am able to name everything I've got and the amounts. I hope you're agreeing with this :)



New suggestions


- an idea that may be hard to implement: shock and water. You know flamable oil on the ground? Well a thunderbolt in the water should deal huge damages to anything standing in the water (player included).


- the other big problem of the game (that can go with inventory management) is potions. Potions that regenerate your health instantly... "Potion of Haggling"... Having 15 Potions of minor magicka stacked up...

I mean, Alchemy/potions should be a real deal. Not "taking twelve potions at a time". Making a potion should be seen as "the thing that will save my life if I get in front of a boss". Really adding effects to potions but making them hard to find/allow the player to carry only a handful of them. And giving them lasting effects (several minutes/hours, why not). I would understand this would be more appropriate for a "Potions overhaul mod" and it may be too big to be part of this mod, but it does add to realism. What's your say?


(could replace the "haggling", "pickpocketing" potions by other fun effects, like a "glowing potion" that make your body bright and allows you some light in the dungeons/make people flee or attack you when they see you.)



Were you to decide to implement the potions changes, I would gladly help you in any way I can, but I really can't mod the game since I don't know anything about scripting, modelling, programming or any of that.

Edited by Hoptic
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The mod seems to be taking off with more followers. I do like VrayAar's idea of being able to buy a compass, I would take it further and also have the ability to add maps for locations. Or if you know the location due to reading a book or something, then it should be viewable via the compass, however if you have no clue if it exists or not then it will not show. Prior knowledge is needed.

Some of these should be options and the start of the game, such as I may want to keep Fast Travel. but if I remove it at the start then I can't add it again unless I start again. This means temptation is removed but freedom is not. All the survival changes seem very good as well as the combat changes. The Fallout Wanderers Edition Mod is very similar, you could ask some of that team for help, as that mod includes many of these features.

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Im playing a melee type stealth character myself, i just occasionally use a bow and how often is it you DONT finish a enemy off? I dont think it has happened to me ever with a backstab after 15x perk... after i got the gloves there was just no way for anything to survive and im playing on master difficulty. :/


I don't have the gloves yet, but I still almost always kill people with the x15. But often times when I'm in a dungeon, I find the enemies to be placed/standing in configurations that are challenging to get a sneak attack. For instance, draugr always stand with their backs to the sarcophagi they walked out of. In a situation like that, I usually fire an arrow to lure them somewhere so I have a better chance at their backs, but that makes them wary, so sneak attacking one without attracting attention becomes more difficult, and I frequently somehow mess it up and have to run or try to survive in melee. And that's definitely my fault. Stealth is a challenging but rewarding way to play the game, and I don't want it to be easier.


But for all those times where I do mess it up, and I have to run, it would be really lame if it took my enemies 5 minutes or something crazy to reset to calm and I could try again.


On the subject of bows - I try not to use em. They deal soo much dmg with sneak attack, it seems too easy.

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On the subject of stealth, I don't intend to punish messing up too much, but the current system allows you to shoot someone with an arrow and have them ready to be re-shot 30 seconds later, which is just ridiculous. The moment you choose to attack is one of those pivotal moments in any stealth gameplay, which is why it should reward careful planning and execution. Right now it's just too easy to hit and run.
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On the subject of stealth, I don't intend to punish messing up too much, but the current system allows you to shoot someone with an arrow and have them ready to be re-shot 30 seconds later, which is just ridiculous. The moment you choose to attack is one of those pivotal moments in any stealth gameplay, which is why it should reward careful planning and execution. Right now it's just too easy to hit and run.

+1 on killing all the NPCs (except main quest, or with a a warning). Seperate mod for this would be great too ;)

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