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Total Realism Overhaul


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For the scarring/tatoes something similar as the symbols used on the body of the dragon age 2 character named Fenris could do the trick (white glow on the back of the arms).




My first thought reading your post was of Fenris xD




my input to the OP


One idea I got while playing my imperial after I completed the imperial legion quest line and didn't have anything to do was making more options for "trading-items". Say you're a woodsman making a living on pelts. So to make nice high tier pelts you need good skills in handling pelts and animal materials (new skill tree? and maybe some oil and so on for the best and most expensive ones).


For example if I have two wolf pelts and bring them to the leather table (can't remember the name (a) ) I can either make two leather, the normal vanilla versions wich is used for armor and weapons, or one processed piece of fur. Obviously it would be stupid if it would actually have the name processed fur/piece of fur, but I hope you get the idea.


And one more thing that would be nice, though I know it doesn't have anything to do with this mod, is houses for farmers, woodsmen, miners etc that players are able to buy and which can help them get a good regular income. I want to RP some ordinary days to! :)




awesome mod, I'm really looking forward to playing it when it's out! :D

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This overhaul seems very ambitious and well thought out. I am anxiously looking forward to updates on the progress. Good luck. This is exactly what I think this game would need to make it ultimately perfect. I will be watching this closely.
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Oh boy, I need this! Sadly it will take a long time until this is out in a decent state.


I also suggest to strongly overhaul Dragons. They should be very special and hard to kill.


Now it's more like: 1st Dragon = Whoa WTF?!, 2nd Dragon = Awesome!, 3rd Dragon = Wow!, 4th Dragon = Here we go again, 5th Dragon = Well, let's finish him off and get on the road again, 6th Dragon = ... and finally Dragon = ZzZzZz...

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I read nearly every post and so far sounds great! If this idea of mine has been said and I somehow missed it, oops. However I was wondering how fire could be adjusted. This may cause a lot of problems but would there be any way for fire to get out of hand? Example being if I used Flames and start blasting fire inside a house all over the wood or even outside on a tree, the fire will go out in just a few seconds. Could something to be done to cause damage or at least have long lasting fire on wood or other materials that could catch on fire. Of course I have no idea how this could be worked in a way that doesn't result in a whole town on fire while NPCs stand around not caring.



Edit: Even though this idea would probably require too much work with custom animations but horse back combat would be nice. When wolves and other enemies attack me while riding my horse they always get free hits on me because of the dismount time. Maybe a faster/easier way to adjust the attacks while on horseback is a fast hop off the back of the saddle instead of the casual dismount that my character does while wolves and bandits are at her heels

Edited by fallenmerucyr
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i really am loving the thoughts being put into this, i cannot wait for it, but i do know it will be atleast a year or so before it is great ><


i do have on idea though..as the no compass and no fast travel ( i already force myself to walk but sometimes it's tempting, and the compass i disabled and quest markers, in the config ) here is one way to step it up a notch which i was thinking about doing myself actually


disable all map markers on the map, so there is no locations like caves and tiny areas or shacks marked on the map, just have the main cities and certain areas marked....think morrowind people!!!! adds to the great feeling again!

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I'm absolutely loving all of the ideas for this mod, particularly the weather effects aspect. What I was wondering is if you could add a body to the first person view. As in, currently, you are just a floating camera; it'd be nice to be able to look down and see my body, or my arms pumping when I sprint. The model and animations are already there from third person view, so I'm not sure why Bethesda didn't just do it anyway, but alas, they didn't, so here we are, floating cameras in a game.


One possible way to do this would be to make the first person view a zoomed in third person view where the camera is where your characters eyes would be, but I'm not sure if this would actually work. A better way would be to actually have the body be a part of the first person view, but I'll take what I can get if this is too complicated or impossible.

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