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Total Realism Overhaul


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i dont want to be rude or harsh and totally get that you are sharing your creativity and abilities for free and out of social responsibility.... but... you know.... if you tell us about an upcoming video... you really need to follow up on this... or frustration will. grow. :-( Edited by msz666
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Well, to be fair I didn't say I'll have a video "tomorrow". Just that when I have the features ready to be shown, I'll make a video. You have already seen how melee damage works (despite the script lag), and now I have to finish modding magic, shader effects (burnt corpses, electrocution, getting blood splatter from melee combat and so on) and some other stuff before I can show something. I am also working on the next patch for Basic Needs module, which has been delayed enough already.


In short, have patience. I'm doing this on my free time, which I have varying amounts of. As soon as stuff is ready to be shown, it will be.


P.S. Thanks for the faith, tomislawus. ;)

Edited by Mansh00ter
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Good progress on the script lag today - managed to eliminate 90% of it. Still a slight delay though, but barely noticeable now. Had to gut armor/weapon penetration though, now the script simply calculates armor resistance based on the armor rating of the victim, and doesn't take into account the actual armor type, weapon material and so on - there simply isn't any compact way to do this, unfortunately. Armor resistance is capped at 0.8 (80% damage blocked) which depending on weapon types used may render certain light weapons (khm, daggers) unsuitable for quickly taking down daedric-clad opponents, especially if you take into account NPC's now actually blocking your hits instead of just soaking it up.


To compensate, I will introduce a separate script which will add "special effects" for weapon types, like extra chance of bleeding with slashing weapons, extra chance of concussion for blunt (lowered weapon skill, slight occasional vision blurring for the player) etc. - since it's a separate script it should run in a separate thread, and shouldn't affect the execution of the main script much.


Next, see if I can get headshots working.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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Yey :dance:


Still, I would cry a lot if you were not to differentiate between daggers and swords enough to actually make it a CHOICE to pick one of them (dagger is for sneaking and as an off-hand weapon or finisher, sword is a weapon of choice for open combat/main weapon) or make certain weapons (daggers for instance) obsolete when you can have a sword.


While you are doing the magic part... please, oh PLEASE make it so playing mages won't be about running around (do it by extremely slowing character when casting) and listen to our humble voices of reason which tell you that metal armors works like Faraday cages and should protect against lightning, while cooking people when struck with fire (making the DOT from fire spells last longer).


(I know I'm repeating myself, but hey, what else can I do?)

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