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Total Realism Overhaul


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Bit busy with paying jobs right now, but I'm working on compatibility patches for major cooking mods. Those should be up, let's say Friday. Otherwise, no, you can use them, but you won't get fed from the new food. It has to be tagged with scripts.
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Puffs of breath in cold environment - while I like the idea, I don't think it can be done via shaders. The "wet" shaders are just that - a texture and particle "overlay" using the whole mesh (in this case the actor body) as an emitter. Since there is no way to specify the exact spot on the mesh as well as angle of particle emission, then you can't do puffs of breath with that. I could make the whole body steam, but not just the breath. In fact, I am using that very system to create permanent burn/electrocution effects for magic victims, as well as dirt/blood staining after heavy fighting. It always bothered me that when you kill someone with what is essentially a magical equivalent of a flamethrower, their bodies remain pristine and intact, but again, it works because it is applied to the whole body.


I have to say, the mod that did this in Oblivion (added elemental effects to a corpse based on how / what element killed it) was a favorite of mine


Huge amount of fun and immersion for me. I heartily applaud this idea.


If possible, I might humbly suggest randomizing the "degree" in which a corpse is on fire, cackles with electrical energy etc. Something about the randomization really adds to the immersion / realism.

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You have wonderful ideas ;) Please though start with things that are not yet covered in other mods ;) For instance for environmental issues we have the frostfall hypothermia mod which is very good, so this should not be a priority on your list ;)


What mod are you currently working on?


Currently, are there any food mod compatible with your basic needs mod?

Edited by hithl4in
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I've been running the most recent version of this mod, and I must say it is excellent and very well done. However, I choose not to include it because my character is constantly hungry or thirsty or tired. With the vanilla timescale I was feeding my character once every 3-4 minutes. This was a bit distracting.


This may not be a problem with the mod since it only began after I installed a few more mods and started a new game.



Anyways... looking forward to the changes! Although it may be easier just to incorporate a patch that allows it work with Frostfall.

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@hithl4in currently I am working on finally finishing the 1.0 patch for Basic Needs, and Combat Overhaul. I'm still having some issue with script lag - currently down to some 0.4sec, but it still is noticeable, especially when NPC's are hit and have to block with the new mechanic. I'm looking at how I could make them block more via normal means (tweaking game settings) instead of scripting, but its going slow since I have to test a lot.


As for food mods, I just downloaded the latest version of Grommit's Food mod, I understand it's one of the more popular ones. So that one will definitely have a compatibility patch for Basic Needs.




Currently the initial release of Combat Overhaul will have the following features:


-completely new damage model based on actor type, character stats and weapons used, sidestepping all levels, HP boosts, damage boosts etc. present in the vanilla game. That means that all humans will perform in combat as you would expect them to, with no superpowered bandit chiefs, you-can-cut-me-all-day-long-I-don't-feel-a-thing mages etc. Dragons will be dragons, killing everything around, trolls will be trolls, and chickens will be chickens, regardless of their level, or yours.

-dual wield parry

-arrow hit stagger (works on the player as well)

-physical spell effects (works on player too), meaning spells will behave the way you'd expect them to. Fireballs will toss people around, fire will induce panic, frost will definitely have a noticeable effect, shock spells will be able to actually knock people out etc. Also magicka is way more lethal than vanilla, to compensate for the fact that a single arrow or two can and will kill an unarmored mage.

-improved NPC melee combat performance, with more skillful blocking so they last longer and present a greater challenge

-wounds from critical hits, ranging from concussion to broken limbs and bleeding

-(maaybe, if I can do it right) HEADSHOTS! ;)

-visual combat after effects; cleanable blood splatter on you after heavy melee, magic victims left as smouldering corpses (if you use fire and shock spells) for that extra gritty feel to fights


-also, as a special feature of the initial release, Catch-A-Bug minigame, with lots and lots of amusing bugs left around for players to hunt down and report to me. :P


It isn't a very outwardly complex system - but the big idea is that it will replace the entire damage system of the vanilla game, thus completely and utterly changing the way combat plays out throughout the game world. So it isn't a combat tweak mod with some scripted features, there are plenty of good ones out there already, this aims for something entirely different.


@murdilator - if you're using the latest version of Basic Needs, you have the Configuration spell in your spell list, which you can use to tweak the rate at which you get hungry and thirsty.

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Waow and any ETA when this combat overhaul will be ready? ;) As to fully enjoy such a think we will have to start again from scratch :)


About parry... I wonder if you can imagine a system where you can parry with a 1H sword even if you're wearing something else in the other hand. I find it stupid not being able to parry with my right hand sword just because I have a torch in left hand ;)


Edit: I have an issue with Basic need, I wonder if it works or not ;) And I have message options and secondary needs at disabled, and dunno how to enable them ;)

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Do you know if the combat overhaul will be playable with a gamepad? (I'm asking because of the dual wield parry)

Playing Skyrim with a gamepad feels a lot more satisfying for me and I'll probably still use one even if I can't parry while wearing dual weapons (I hardly ever do so anyway) but it would still be nice if I knew that worked :)

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