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Total Realism Overhaul


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On the subject of stealth, I don't intend to punish messing up too much, but the current system allows you to shoot someone with an arrow and have them ready to be re-shot 30 seconds later, which is just ridiculous. The moment you choose to attack is one of those pivotal moments in any stealth gameplay, which is why it should reward careful planning and execution. Right now it's just too easy to hit and run.


Yeah, I think a good way would be to increase the time the npc's are looking for you (like, a lot of increasing :D).

If I'm not mistaken the npc's are generally very good in finding out where you are anyway, its just that they return to their usual route to early.

As in they walk toward where you fired the shot from but oftentimes dont get there cause its too far away.


I'd combine that with completly removing the sneak-bonus for archers.

You already mentioned that you'd like to keep the effect that you'd probably do more damage because of the longer time for aiming at your disposal.

But as long as you also include different hitzones (like arrows hitting a bare head being lethal) this is already implemented without any bonuses.


Edit: Also looking through your featurelist, one thing came to my mind regarding the diseases.

I used some mods in Oblivion that had similar effects overall but I always found it annoying that if I didnt look at my stats or active effects I didnt have any way to know that I was sick until I died.

I think a visual key (e.g. the screen getting greener) would be very important to not break immersion and playability.

Same goes for the other effects like hunger, thirst, sleep and coldness.

Edited by Koolaidmaker
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Edit: Also looking through your featurelist, one thing came to my mind regarding the diseases.

I used some mods in Oblivion that had similar effects overall but I always found it annoying that if I didnt look at my stats or active effects I didnt have any way to know that I was sick until I died.

I think a visual key (e.g. the screen getting greener) would be very important to not break immersion and playability.

Same goes for the other effects like hunger, thirst, sleep and coldness.


I agree with this.

As I mentioned a few posts earlier, I think that coughing would be good as an indicator. (which makes me think: why not making it possible to catch a cold?)

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On the subject of stealth, I don't intend to punish messing up too much, but the current system allows you to shoot someone with an arrow and have them ready to be re-shot 30 seconds later, which is just ridiculous. The moment you choose to attack is one of those pivotal moments in any stealth gameplay, which is why it should reward careful planning and execution. Right now it's just too easy to hit and run.

I'd combine that with completly removing the sneak-bonus for archers.

You already mentioned that you'd like to keep the effect that you'd probably do more damage because of the longer time for aiming at your disposal.

But as long as you also include different hitzones (like arrows hitting a bare head being lethal) this is already implemented without any bonuses.

Pfft archery is weak compared to melee backstab... That is what really needs some nerfing. :/

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If I might add a suggestion...


The water in the northern sea is filled with iceflow and iceburgs, and yet you can swim around in in with impunity.


At the very least it'd be nice if that body of water did frost damage over time when you are in it. And maybe continue to do frost damage until you find a source of heat like a campfire or an indoor area.

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:) Yeah first time i jumped into those icy waters i was like, aaaaarrrgh cold water with ice in it! this is gonna kill me, but naaaah went for a 3 mile swim and nothing happend...

In real life you would go unconscious in 5 minutes, and swimming would only speed that up...

Edited by Tralle1234
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Yes, swimming in ice cold water won't be good for you. I am hoping to introduce a system which will definitely make it unwise to swim in ice cold water for half an hour, or run half-naked through snow or blizzard. More details will follow once I do preliminary tests and see how things fit together.


As for combat damage, expect a drastic revamp. I don't like the whole 15xcritical thing, any more than I like having to shoot someone with a dozen arrows or bashing them a dozen times with a huge warhammer in order to kill them. So people who like to sneak around can expect being able to take down enemies with one arrow or a well placed backstab, but also to get cleaved in half if they get hit in the back by that brute with a 2H sword. The idea is that, no matter what style you like, death should be always breathing down your neck when it comes to combat - naturally that goes for your enemies (at least common ones) as well.


Gear should also play an important role in a fight, much more than it does now. Having a good set of armor or the right spells up will mean the difference between getting slaughtered with one or two hits from a lowly bandit or being able to survive being savaged by a troll. Being able to correctly time your attacks and defensive moves will also have a much greater impact, and so on. I have a fairly complex system in mind, which will require a lot of tweaking to get it right, but in the end I am confident it will be challenging for everyone and above all, fun.

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with that much daily needs i would recommend making days longer or at least give an slider option for that(there was that mod in oblivion)..


this mod is going to be huge so i would be a good idea to make a free forum dedicated to this overhaul only where there is section for every part of mod, so everyone can contribute with ideas on one thing specifically and also section for reporting bugs...also make this community project so you don't have to do all of this on your own :P

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The back stab shouldn't be tweaked, it's good as it is. The only thing that needs to be done is all the other dmges. every swing should hurt close to the backstabdx15 bonus; you can't survive someone slicing your throat from behind.


That's what I meant. You shouldn't survive someone bashing your head in with a claymore either. :) So, deadly combat all around.

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Another idea I just had was food spoilage. Make a certain % chance of food you find being spoiled (maybe say 10%) and then a cumulative % chance of food items spoiling each day you have them (say 3-5% cumulative chance for most items, and 1% for some like jerky or hard tack etc.). Eating spoiled food will help with hunger but have negative effects on health and/or stamina. Another way to do it would be to have multiple stages of freshness that food progresses through over the course of time, essentially the same thing as above, but not an all or nothing sort of spoilage (and probably harder to program, though I'm not a programmer so I could be wrong).


Loving all these ideas, can't wait for the Creation Kit to come out so they can start getting implemented. ;)

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