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Total Realism Overhaul


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@Mansh00ter : I completely agree and that's why I made that tiny difference between a realistic game and a believable one. One shouldn't set timescale to 1 for the very reasons you mentioned, but that only means that either the character is moving too fast for a real man (or whatever race you play), or the land is just representing not a full province but a little piece of land. I think it is both, actually. I myself don't touch timescale settings for the same reasons.
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Hey, I was wondering if there's a way to make the drinks from a new mod I'm creating compatible with Basic Needs?


I've figured out how to do the foods, and the alcohol -- but I'm running into a problem with drinks such as milk and cider. There's no script in Basic Needs that applies to a nonalcoholic beverage, and I can't write one without seeing the source scripts.


I'd really like my mod to be compatible with Basic Needs, because I can't play without it!

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@Mansh00ter : I completely agree and that's why I made that tiny difference between a realistic game and a believable one. One shouldn't set timescale to 1 for the very reasons you mentioned, but that only means that either the character is moving too fast for a real man (or whatever race you play), or the land is just representing not a full province but a little piece of land. I think it is both, actually. I myself don't touch timescale settings for the same reasons.


Which is why I hope that eventually someone releases a map-scale overhaul (or just a new world/map in general), making the landscape much bigger than what it is currently, so it actually takes time to travel between towns and whatnot. That combined with Manshooter's mods here would be my dream game. Crossing fingers. :P

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I just wanted to mention that in Oblivion, there were a couple of mods that allowed you to set a sliding timescale depending on where you were. You could set it to 10 for in-town, 30 for in the wilds, something else for in a dungeon, or in combat, or in conversation with an NPC. Then your timescale would shift automatically as you played and you'd never have to mess with it again. It was fantastic. I don't know if anyone's made such a mod for Skyrim yet, but I wouldn't think it'd be too difficult.


Edit: Found one. Kuertee to the rescue!


Auto-Save and Time


Variable TimeScale:

In combat, or while sneaking: 10.

Indoors or when not moving when outdoors: 20.

When travelling on roads: TimeScale increases up to 60.

When travelling cross-country: increases up to 90.


These features "virtually" increase the distance while travelling outdoors because more time will pass while

travelling. Survival mods has more of an impact when TimeScale is set high.


You can adjust any of the default timescale settings to whatever number you like, or turn them off entirely on an individual basis. It's not an absolutely perfect solution -- it won't detect when you're "inside" a town but still technically outdoors, as in Riverwood -- but it does solve the issue of time passing too quickly in towns and too slowly in the wilds.


Here's another: Dynamic Timescale

Edited by chaospearl
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Dynamic timescale is a must. Otherwise you get 7 times hungry in one dungeon or travel from across the land without getting hungry at all. You should get hungry quite often while in the mountains traveling (survival), but not in dungeons or cities where you might spend much more real time than while travelling.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I made a post in the mod thread, but I want to make a post here. I would like to make this mod more compatible with ashirnaniirs' "First-Person Messages" mod for a mod compilation project. It would require a very small edit to the player messages your mod gives to bring them in line with a first person message as apposed to a third person message as they are now. Would you be willing to make these changes and release a compatibility patch as an update? If not would it be possible for me to get a copy of your source files to make the changes myself?


Thank you,


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For absolute realism, here is my idea:

Take off the "weight" setting, and apply somekind of sense in the carrying objects option.

Items should be put in a backpack, even if it was a magical one that could be bigger inside, that applies for food, potions, ingredients and misc.

As for weapons, there should be a maximum ammount of weapons to carry, they don't have to be all shown ingame (that would be too hard to animate, but VERY nice if possible), only carring three or four swords, and some axes and staffs in your back, now that's realism.

I really like RPGs, but never I my life I liked the idea of an inventory, they are unrealistic.

And as for Hypothermia, I think there should be a higher impact, other than just slowing you down, affect some skills, and definetly affect stamina regeneration. Also, the freezing waters should be lethal, if fatal, there should be some kind of way to overcome that.

Regarding fast travel, I completely agree with disableing it, but not enterily, leave the "ride cards" from vanilla alone, they really help, since capitals are really far away from each other. And the quest givers make fast travelling annoying, you're always coming back for the same place, nothing new will happen in the route. Disable Fast Travel, but let the player choose if he wants to put it back, there's no reason to get bored in the game.

Really loved the headshot thingy, games with no headshots are not nice, lol.

Think that's all, woke up in the evening thinking about your mod, I love realism in games, wish more players would think like that.

Ah! What about basic needs for the horse as well? It shouldn't be a invincible creature. Feeding your horsy whilst travelling would really improve the realism on it. But there also should be way to disable this whilst inside cities. It would be annoying to have to keep worrying about that when you're just spending time in a city.

Think I covered it all.

I beg you, please never give up on this mod, this is the best thing I ever saw for a game like that. I would even pay for a mod like yours, if everything was in its right places, it'd be a full expansion after all...

Best regards, and keep up the good work, loved the Basic Needs already, cheers, mate!


EDIT: One more thing! Take care of those Stale food that were brought in Basic Needs, I only found one single fresh apple in the whole gameplay time, scarcity of fresh food is nice, but it doesn't make sense to all inns have only stale food in their tables. Also, cooked items could go stale overtime, think that would make it harder and force players to buy food often, but not carry them to Oblivion.

Edited by SoundSC
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  • 2 weeks later...
Due to RL reasons (work) this project is temporarily on hold. By that I mean a couple weeks at most. I will look at any game-breaking bugs that have cropped up with Basic Needs and issue a working version next week, sans any new features (that will have to wait until I resume work on this proper), but at least you'll be able to enjoy it hassle free, I can spare that much time.
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