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Total Realism Overhaul


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Any changes to the Dragons planned?


Yes, they won't be pushover dragonbone piñatas anymore. Mages will practically be required to use their wards against them, since I plan on nerfing the stagger spam mechanic and the dragon shouts will be much more lethal. Warriors, archers and anyone else not being able to put up a decent magical defense will have to stock on appropriate potions, use shields, enchants etc.

Sort of like Witcher - he always downs a few brews before a particularly difficult fight, well, fighting dragons is as tough as it gets (or should be).


And if you can't prepare for a fight, run. Run like hell.


If possible I would also like to tweak the way Dragons select enemies and make them ignore animals. It's annoying when the mighty dragon decides he just has to kill that bear (and gets mauled), instead of you.

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I have not at all read the whole thread, but with a search on poison I didn't find this suggestion/opinion:


I don't like poison in Skyrim as much as in Oblivion. Lingering Damage Health was the standard dmg health in Oblivion and I really liked that, since it allowed for more damage (since dmg over time is less valuable than instant dmg). I'm largely unimpressed by the dmg values on instant poisons and can't be bothered to use them. Also applying requires a game pause (inventory or favorites).


I would use the hell of a lot more poison if all Damage Health were Lingering Damage Health, which IMO, would also suit this mod perfectly.

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Good to hear but I would suggest these three changes:


1. Make them much stronger then ordinary guards and wildlife in terms of physical damage and elemental damage of their breath attacks.

2. Allow them to perform their finishing moves on such lower enemies much more often. (ie bite them whole and toss around or swoop down, pick up and throw from high above)

3. Have them actually use a much wider assortment of shouts including disarm, knockback, freeze etc. (this could be scaled between weakling and stronger Dragons as needed) - both in the air, as they swoop over you, and especially when they are on the ground.


No need to bloat their health or damage, since that doesnt really do anything about the real issues and only makes it all last longer.


Of course, i dont know if it would be possible to change variables between the Dragons and animals/guards and other similar creatures separately from everything else.

But i think that if its possible it would bring the greatest change in how we view and experience dragons in game.


I do agree that Dragon targeting Ai needs some tweaking but ignoring animals by itself wont to much if animals dont ignore Dragons.

By itself it would just mean that Dragons would not fight creatures that are attacking them or do it in insufficient ways.


It would be much better if Dragons had higher damage (phyisical or breath/elemental) and higher chance of performing their crit finisher moves against animals and guards and such, allowing them to quickly dispatch with such enemies - which would make them look much more impressive.


I had one fight with a Frost Dragon in Winterhold where it landed just at the entrance to the village and when couple of guards rushed it in melee it just took them in its mouth, killed them and tossed them behind itself on the rocks.

That looked really impressive unlike other Dragon fights in the same place where it would keep to the rooftops and guards (seemingly impervious to its breath attack) would seriously damage it with bows, or even kill it.


Imagine seeing a Dragon bite a bear/troll/whatever then toss it through the air, sometimes right at you. :P


Imagine a player deciding to charge a Dragon with direct melee and it counters by shouting "disarm" at you, then attacks. :P


Imagine a dragon swooping down low and freezing you with a shout, or knocking you around (higher draugr have those shouts too) before landing and then coming at you.


Or swooping low, picking you up in the air and then throwing you down. (i think that particular move is either intentionally gimped or bugged since i often see them trying it but not actually picking up anyone at all)



- of course, i think they should not be able to kill Giants and mammoths (and not be able to pick up mammoths of course), that easily but those can be considered a higher level enemies/creatures anyway.


But i do think that these changes would improve Dragons in the most organic and believable way.

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Yes, as part of potion overhaul I will also look into making poisons do their damage over time. Instant poisons don't really make sense. There will also be lethal, but slow poisons, for example getting poisoned by certain creatures will require an antidote or constant attention, or the player will die eventually. You will also be able to brew Cure Poison potions via alchemy (I think you can only find or buy them right now).
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Yes, as part of potion overhaul I will also look into making poisons do their damage over time. Instant poisons don't really make sense. There will also be lethal, but slow poisons, for example getting poisoned by certain creatures will require an antidote or constant attention, or the player will die eventually. You will also be able to brew Cure Poison potions via alchemy (I think you can only find or buy them right now).


Awesome :smile:


As I probably won't use all of your features, I greatly appreciate you making it customizable. I think I will be using a lot of what adds to the game, but I don't think I will remove bars, numbers and such. To me, immersion is in the details, not in the "not knowing exactly where/how I am".

Edited by Lokiron
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I have been playing a pure archer character for the last week. Based on my own experiences in competitive Archery, here's a few things I would like to suggest:


The damage model:


- Head and neck shots: 200% damage. Heavy armor wearers negate head damage entirely unless you hit the visor slit or if the neck has no protection (if this is possible).

- Body shots: 100% damage. If possible, add a "heart" spot that gives a similar multiplier to headshots, since archers usually aim for the heart to achieve maximal stopping power. Head shots are often seen as unreliable/likely to enrage your target.

- Leg shot: 50% damage, movement speed reduced by 60% for 15 seconds

- Arm shot: 50% damage, physical damage reduced by 60% for 15 seconds.



  • If possible, remove the crosshair UI entirely. Use a VERY slight and discrete screen distortion to symbolize where the archer's shot focus is. This is the closest I can imagine to how real-life archery feels.
  • Remove the sneak damage multiplier. Stealth is clearly broken and is ripe for abuse, so it needs to be toned down. Sneaking is it's own bonus in that it allows you to easily line up headshots. Instead, the bonus for sneak shots could be something minor but useful nonetheless. Perhaps a stun (think the long staggering animation humanoid enemies do when almost dead) to symbolize the fact that an arrow just came out of the blue.
  • Increase bow draw time. Optimal damage is only at full draw. Holding draw at full length will eventually start to drain stamina and decrease accuracy.
  • Remove rock-steady accuracy. Aim should naturally waver. Higher levels of archery result in higher arm strength and better muscle control, reducing this effect.


These changes would make archery much more challenging and should balance nicely with increased weapon deadliness.

Edited by Suecotero
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If possible I would also like to tweak the way Dragons select enemies and make them ignore animals. It's annoying when the mighty dragon decides he just has to kill that bear (and gets mauled), instead of you.


Animals also shouldn't try and attack dragons. A flying predator the size of a boat ought to cause even bears to flee in the opposite direction.

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total realism... just kiddin

New rules of engagements...


If you eat too much you go fat and cannot run or climb as easier if you go too fat you got heart attacks

If you don't eat enough your get skinny and loose damage and strenght you go weak against ice and finish dead if you dont eat.

You take electric bolts you cannot move and take damage gradually if you wear an armour or if your feet are in water you die instantly if you have no enchanted stuffs with electric protection, and you may allso randomly get heart attacks here too.

You take ice bolt you're freezed then you die breaked if something hard hurts you or you have enchanted protection and ice just disappear.

Fire ball your character burns and die in a scream (yes) if you dont estinguish it with ice or water or you have enchanted protection

You recieve an arrow you dead you can break it but you can't walk correctly and take desease if you dont heal then you die of infection.

Same as above for each injuries.

you take a sword or axe hit on left arm (or either) you see it on the ground and you spread blood on walls you got to put fire on it to stop bleeding or.... anyway....you die in a scream (i like it)

Sneak perk only make you more silent and cover your smell... yes because pets can detect you from very far with your smell and if a humanoid ennemy does not have you on sight he's got to hear you to detect you can stay close to ennemies if you are in shadow and no pets are here, thieve perk let you hide in some container such as big jar or closet.


Anyway unblocked attacks are lethal 80% of time and magics need a concentration time to be used.

There could be many more

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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Your mod sounds epic and awesome, especially the stuff about hunger/thirst/ and ripoff merchants :)


Oh and sleeping/food not healing you would just make my day bigtime.

Edited by Oomo
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one suggestion about combat..maybe make all weapons do bleed damage over time?


like blades give bleed damage for 4 seconds and hammers only for 1 (because with sword/axe you'll make cut which will bleed, thus giving you more damage but hammers won't, you get what i mean...) , but make blades give less damage so all weapons even out, and also give a little extra boost for higher level material weapon (not more than 10-20%)..


i think it should be easier to balance weapons like this :P

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