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Total Realism Overhaul


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This sounds amazing! I really hope that you are able to pull this off... I'd love to help out, though I have zero programming knowledge, but maybe there's something else I can do. Maybe you can set up some funding for this project (which I would gladly donate to), as it sounds like it will be laborious, and require a few people to pitch in.


A few things I'd like to see:


- More realistic weather. There are certain areas where it doesn't seem to ever snow, and certain where it seems to always be snowing. I think it would be cool to see a storm rolling in over the plains around Whiterun.

- A storm should have an impact on your character, limiting your exposure without taking appropriate precautions (i.e. warmer clothing, spells, potions, shelter)

- Being able to build a fire, which would help character survive in the cold.

- NPC's that actually remember your character. I find it breaks the realism when you walk into a shop for the 100th time and the shop keeper acts like he's never seen you before. I think it would be cool if there was a separate set of dialogue based on how often your character has dealt with or encountered that NPC.

- I find it annoying that some animals pretty much immediately attack your character on sight. Animals should behave more naturally, and only attack out of necessity.

- Wearing armour should impact your character's ability to swim. Wearing heavy armour should make it almost impossible to swim.

- Breathing underwater should be based on your stamina. The higher it is the longer you can do it. The default value is much too long.

- Water temperature should also be something to consider.

- Your movement rate should be based on your stamina, especially the run speed.

- Jump height should increase with stamina, not to the point of being ridiculous of course, but you should be able to jump higher with a higher stamina.

- Your character should be able to jump while running. The faster you run, the further you can jump.

- Location based damage would be amazing. An arrow in the leg should slow you down, one in the arm should make the character drop their currently equipped item, and one in the head should be fatal for most.

- If you take down an enemy while sneaking, say with an arrow or a spell, other enemies in the vicinity should remain on alert. It doesn't make sense that after a short time they just go "Well I guess it was nothing...", while their companion is lying on the ground with an arrow protruding from their head...

- Arrow flight paths need to be reworked and follow a more natural arc. Winds should impact the flight path as well.

- Item weights need a complete overhaul. For example, arrows currently weigh nothing.

- A higher health rating could have some additional benefits other than just additional hit points. Disease should be harder to contract and take longer to progress, impact of exposure could be reduced, etc.


I have more, but I guess that's a good start...

Edited by chewmanfu
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Food system

- food levels effect your regen rate. ie. you MUST eat to keep regen levels up. Otherwise they drop to practically zero. finally we have a use for food.



Personally I'd prefer if he stuck to the original idea he had, in that food just reduces hunger and doesn't heal you. Most of us "realists" want health regen disabled completely.

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- Jump height should increase with stamina, not to the point of being ridiculous of course, but you should be able to jump higher with a higher stamina.

- Your character should be able to jump while running. The faster you run, the further you can jump.


I was thinking about Power Jumps, where you hold the jump button to leap further and farther.


- Location based damage would be amazing. An arrow in the leg should slow you down, one in the arm should make the character drop their currently equipped item, and one in the head should be fatal for most.


You're talking about hit-detection. I think we'd all like to see a Fallout-styled hitboxes applied to the game.


- Item weights need a complete overhaul. For example, arrows currently weigh nothing.


My idea was to decrease the initial weight limit but allow your character to wear packs (ideally this wouldn't take up an extra slot but...)

The larger the pack, the more extra loot you can carry.

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if you are going to remove health regen , make it optional. It is not realistic or immersive at all to completely remove health regen, the only ACTUAL realistic way for the human body to heal is by regenerating over time.

Reduce it drastically if you have to, but dont remove it completely.


Have none of you stepped outside of your caves to experience life once? you ever cut yourself?


did you scarf down 5 pounds of potatoes to have your blood start clotting? what sort of world do you live in?

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I love these ideas, though I wonder what your thoughts might be on hand to hand, especially if myself or some other modders can get some actual h2h based weapons? I imagine having a khajit attempt to rip your throat out, or anyone with martial prowess and claws of iron, steel or any such material could be pretty nasty to fight against...but how to balance that?
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if you are going to remove health regen , make it optional. It is not realistic or immersive at all to completely remove health regen, the only ACTUAL realistic way for the human body to heal is by regenerating over time.

Reduce it drastically if you have to, but dont remove it completely.


Have none of you stepped outside of your caves to experience life once? you ever cut yourself?


did you scarf down 5 pounds of potatoes to have your blood start clotting? what sort of world do you live in?


I am going to remove health regeneration because if I made it realistic it would amount to pretty much the same thing - a month to heal a gash made by a sword. Or six months to a year to recover from really serious wounds. So instead of scripting in health regeneration that is *that* slow, I'll just set it to zero. There will be plenty of active methods for healing yourself - this is a fantasy kind of realism we are talking about after all - from healing spells to healing potions. You just won't have the luxury to stroll away from a near death experience, instead you will have to have supplies and/or necessary skills to survive combat encounters.


I love these ideas, though I wonder what your thoughts might be on hand to hand, especially if myself or some other modders can get some actual h2h based weapons? I imagine having a khajit attempt to rip your throat out, or anyone with martial prowess and claws of iron, steel or any such material could be pretty nasty to fight against...but how to balance that?


If someone makes a nice enough h2h mod or weapons, and are willing to let those be incorporated into the TRO, I'll be glad to add them (their damage and stats will obviously need to be tweaked) once the basic core of the mod is complete.


just dont add rotting food. i think it crosses the annoying line. it's hard enough to decorate your kitchen house with food but now i have to replace it constantly when it gets bad... nah. stick to the basics


No rotting food, so no worries. Eating uncooked meats will have a chance of making you sick, but that's it. The implications it could have on the game world as a whole (for example, making all the food on the tables rotten after a while) are too numerous for such a smallish detail.


Also, food and positive effects - I plan to have some. For example, drinking mead and such will help you stave off the environmental cold for a short while (I know it's not how it really works in real life, but let's roll with the myth), or prevent hypothermia in some cases. Eating just right may give you a temporary bonus to your vigour. On the other hand, eating too much will have a negative impact, as well as drinking too much. So it's all about balancing. I want to make basic needs feel like a part of the game, not a chore you have to do.


Hit detection - I have to see how the engine works with this. I am not sure you can add custom hit boxes, or how to go about it yet (if you can I'll probably figure it out). For starters I'll be happy if there is headshot detection to be tweaked. Later on, I'd love to reinstate Fallout's limb damage and crippling effects (not sure why they removed such a great feature).


Any thoughts on my suggestions for improving Dragons?

Just curious.




Food, I quite like the fact that food has some actual role in the game. Of course it doesnt make sense for it to heal damage, at least not so directly, realistically speaking but if that is stripped from it then what other role it could have?

I like that the ingredients and recipes and preparing food serves some purpose.

What would be more appropriate? Other than just getting hungry and then being forced to eat in order to avoid some negative effects. I really dont like that - if its the only thing the food does. That just feels as if someone is forcing one negative thing on me in order to blackmail me into using the other feature to prevent it.


I guess affecting stamina is realistic? Giving the player a boost against the cold? Or reducing some types of natural cold damage (either from the weather or swimming).

I hope there can be more useful effects for the food.



Weapon damage and skill

In a way, increasing the skill with a weapon would indeed produce greater damage as end result, since a master swordsman can strike much faster and much more precisely thus inflicting greater damage overall.

Still, that can be broken down/translated into more direct increases in swings per unit of time and increases in critical hits.

Apart from that i think that a skilled fighter would know how to break or avoid blocking by enemies more readily and easily.


Its really a shame there is no parrying whatsoever, which makes combat really stupid, if you think about it. Especially for dual wielders.

I really doubt parrying can be modded in though.




I think the armor should sometimes completely negate any damage. And when the hit does "get through" or "finds a gap" then the damage should be greater to compensate.

To me, that sounds much more plausible and realistic.


Dragons will get an extensive overhaul. Expect for them to be lethal, and for the player to really have to give their best to defeat them. Of course, there is always the option to hide and run away. ;)

At the same time, I'll make dragonslaying a really profitable profession. So if you need a bag of gold, go kill yourself a dragon. I think the most dangerous activity in Skyrim should be also one which pays the most and it will fit in nicely with the coin shortage TRO is likely to bring.


As for dual wield defense mechanic, right now I am leaning towards dodge as the preferred method of avoiding damage. I know that can be scripted in, at least, and for NPC's as well (Deadly Reflex for Oblivion has it). Once I get a better look at what can be done with combat system and scripting, I may add a proper weapon block or parry, we'll see. Maybe replace the left hand power strike with a block? Whatever I do, I want to make controls fluid, so you don't have to fumble with keys in the middle of a fight.


Armor damage mitigation will be very important for melee fighters. It would have been great if they left the DT (damage threshold) from Fallout:NV in, but I doubt it - in any case, you should really feel the difference against certain weapons when wearing full daedric or leather armor. Unfortunately, I think Bethesda stripped damage types (slashing, piercing, blunt) from weapons, since ti would have been great to make certain weapons more effective against certain armor sets.


However, even more than that, active blocking, whether with a weapon or shield, will determine how well you do in a fight. In some cases it will enable to you avoid damage entirely, even when blocking with a weapon. But of course, that takes stamina, so again you will have to balance between offense and defense and do it without getting your head lopped off. ;)


Armor, if it is possible, should also have a heavy negative impact on spellcasting, so in order to become a battlemage you'll have to invest in high-level perks.

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