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Total Realism Overhaul


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Any combat changes I do will apply to NPC's as well. I won't be giving the player any new "player-only" abilities which would make things easier. So if you will be able to kill most normal enemies with a couple of swings, so will everyone else, which will make combat fast and brutal.

And yes, there are many things which will need to be changed, it's not going to be about just changing a few variables. Even magic will have to be changed in the context of relative power (as I find that in vanilla system, conjure Frost Atronach -> Win).

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Regarding the hp regen thing, I think no regen at all is unrealistic. I don't know exactly how you are planning to implement it, but if the player has been hurt and lost e.g. half of their health bar, they should slowly recover even without bandages and potions. This could be limited it to a very small amount e.g. 1hp or 1% of hp per day. So half a health bar equates to a serious injury that would take many days or weeks to recover from, but this can be speeded with bandages and potions.


I suppose the regen rate could slow (or stop altogether) if you are actively running around and fighting, but be slightly faster when sleeping and resting (to model convalesence). You could also model it so that if you are so badly hurt (e.g. hp below a certain percentage) you don't regenerate at all without treatment.


These different stages would all be very complicated to suggest without a health bar interface, though. I probably won't opt for the "no-UI" section of this mod, since I don't want everything to be purely visual overlays. I can't actually physically feel my character, so to me the hp/mana/stamina bars model my character's physical awareness and I don't mind having them. I also think the UI is very unobtrusive, since the attributes only show if they are below their maximum.


An alternative to hp bars would be to have a little paperdoll in corner somewhere with colours to represent physical feelings. A green glow in the stomach area to represent food poisoning or sickness, a red glow in the leg area to represent damage.

Edited by CampanaAliquanta
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Dragons will get an extensive overhaul. Expect for them to be lethal, and for the player to really have to give their best to defeat them. Of course, there is always the option to hide and run away. ;)

At the same time, I'll make dragonslaying a really profitable profession. So if you need a bag of gold, go kill yourself a dragon. I think the most dangerous activity in Skyrim should be also one which pays the most and it will fit in nicely with the coin shortage TRO is likely to bring.

Well ok, but how exactly?


If you just up their damage the main problem of them getting killed by animals and guards doesnt go away.

And if draugr can have all those shouts then why dragons wouldnt?


The way im playing, expert difficulty, jack of all trades and no cheese tactics like hiding behind rocks or trees and such then shooting arrows at it for half an hour, or abusing broken crafting and enchanting, Dragons were deadly enough. Couldnt come close to one at all until level 15-20.

Edited by VreyAar
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Regarding the hp regen thing, I think no regen at all is unrealistic. I don't know exactly how you are planning to implement it, but if the player has been hurt and lost e.g. half of their health bar, they should slowly recover even without bandages and potions. This could be limited it to a very small amount e.g. 1hp or 1% of hp per day. So half a health bar equates to a serious injury that would take many days or weeks to recover from, but this can be speeded with bandages and potions.


I suppose the regen rate could slow (or stop altogether) if you are actively running around and fighting, but be slightly faster when sleeping and resting (to model convalesence). You could also model it so that if you are so badly hurt (e.g. hp below a certain percentage) you don't regenerate at all without treatment.


These different stages would all be very complicated to suggest without a health bar interface, though. I probably won't opt for the "no-UI" section of this mod, since I don't want everything to be purely visual overlays. I can't actually physically feel my character, so to me the hp/mana/stamina bars model my character's physical awareness and I don't mind having them. I also think the UI is very unobtrusive, since the attributes only show if they are below their maximum.


An alternative to hp bars would be to have a little paperdoll in corner somewhere with colours to represent physical feelings. A green glow in the stomach area to represent food poisoning or sickness, a red glow in the leg area to represent damage.


Regarding HP regen - you have to ask yourself, what would be the point of having HP regen equate 1% per day? Will you wait for a month ingame just to regain health, when you can get a healing potion for a few septims or fire off a spell and be done with it in a few seconds.No, I think no HP regen at all is better, because:


1. It's simpler and therefore more stable.

2. It's more practical gamewise. It may not be 100% realistic, but then again, neither is magic.


The way I intend to tie in basic needs, health etc. to the gameplay is by using a two-tiered system which should allow for the player's actual gameplay to determine the rhythm of said needs, instead of relying purely on scripts, while also maintaining a certain level of scripted limitations as to avoid abuse of magic/potions etc. It's all a bit too complicated to explain here, especially before I've had a chance to really test things out.

In any case, this is a fantasy game, so when designing "realism" features I always have to keep in mind that you can do quite unrealistic stuff in the game due to it's very nature.


Well ok' date=' but how exactly?


If you just up their damage the main problem of them getting killed by animals and guards doesnt go away.

And if draugr can have all those shouts then why dragons wouldnt?


The way im playing, expert difficulty, jack of all trades and no cheese tactics like hiding behind rocks or trees and such then shooting arrows at it for half an hour, or abusing broken crafting and enchanting, Dragons were deadly enough. Couldnt come close to one at all until level 15-20. [/quote']


I cannot guarantee being able to add different shouts to dragons, although I will certainly look into that. As for dragons being more deadly, as you pointed out, it depends on what kind of character you play. I killed dragons easily as both a warrior and mage at level 15 (mage being real easy), on expert difficulty. So I intend to make them deadlier by upping their damage a lot so they actually can murder everyone with their shouts, but also by nerfing some of the exploitable mechanics the game offers, like for example the stagger mechanic with spammable spells. Expanding their repertoire of shouts would certainly be awesome, so I'll definitely see if I can do something about that. It would make fighting dragons way more varied than it is now, for sure.


Are you going to change the timescale? I would love it if 1 min in the game would be 1 min in real life.


No, because that would mean you can walk across Skyrim in half an hour and solve the crisis in a day. It would also make it impossible to implement basic needs, like hunger, thirst and sleep.

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Please forgive me if this has been mentioned. I just haven't got time to read through 31 pages.


Realistic swimming would be cool. Armour needs to be taken off and maybe a carry weight/stamina ratio in regards to being able to carry things while swimming?

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Regarding HP regen - you have to ask yourself, what would be the point of having HP regen equate 1% per day? Will you wait for a month ingame just to regain health, when you can get a healing potion for a few septims or fire off a spell and be done with it in a few seconds.No, I think no HP regen at all is better, because:


1. It's simpler and therefore more stable.

2. It's more practical gamewise. It may not be 100% realistic, but then again, neither is magic.


Kudos for sticking to your guns :)


Also, how about the idea of infection? [mechancis: a disease] What if you take a hit from rusty weapons or too many arrow hits and there's say a %10 chance of some sort of infection? Effect: Slow stamina drain and very slow health drain until cured?

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Mansh00ter, about timescale. I also think that 1:1 idea is not that great of idea but a little slowdown maybe is in order. I'm already playing through tweaked console command in 1:5 mode instead of 1:20 default and it feels a lot more realistic to me. time still flows but just not SUPER fast like always. i could just change it anyway when u release your mod but it would affect hunger/thirst systems you implemented so i kinda wanna know what u think.


punxdog, about rotting food. If someone plays super hardcore realistic mode i don't think they would just stupidly hoard food and etc. I'd still buy it in taverns or traders just for the role-playing hell of it. but if u have a time line not only on your hunger but also on your inventory food it really becomes just annoying chore which Mansh00ter tries to avoid, i like that he's sticking to that. plus with the new weight ideas implemented you don't have spare space for hoarding anyway.

Edited by hooost
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