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Total Realism Overhaul


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You said you'll make different versions and an ingame menu to select features, will the ingame menu be on installation only, because having it always available could be too tempting.



Ah yes, in game menus. I hope the installation takes place out of the game. In game menus are too much of a cheat temptation for me.





And to Levgre & Harmonic who talking about the power of magic.


Maybe decrease the mana pool at start so it is very hard to use destruction magic in controlled attacks. Or make it take constant training to be able to channel your attacks longer and do more damage.


Say a novice destruction spell is just a jolt (or fireball, or iceshard) that does relatively low damage compared to melee.


Then an apprentice level spell would do almost as much as melee damage (like 4/5 of a melee attack's damage).


Then a Journeyman level spell is where it would even out with melee damage @ journeyman level as well. You might still want to use apprentice level spells as they would be easier to pump out.


At expert level spells, it would do maybe .2 % more damage than the average Expert level melee. But cost maybe .6ish % more than Journeyman spells.


At Master level spells. Well first I should say that these should be relatively hard to obtain. They should also have a cool down and negative effects. Like reduced magicka regeneration or reduced magicka cap. Cool down, depending on the power of the spell should range from a day in game. Or like 10 minutes. Or if you wanted to be super hardcore, maybe a day IRL. Perhaps make an option for the settings of this in the mod?



And on the topic of Melee damage.


At novice level. Well, any fool with a weapon can do some damage. But not against a trained fighter. You should be able to take an unarmored opponent relatively easily, given that if they're unarmored. Your attack speed should be below average.


At apprentice is where you learn some actual technique and fighting that carries over to your damage. Your attack speed should now be average, and you should do relatively .2-.4% more damage than at novice level.


At Journeyman is where you really start learning the "good" stuff. Your weapon speed should be a little faster (maybe .3ish%) than at apprentice level. And damage should be a little more at apprentice level.


At expert level is where you find out as much as you can improve your weapon technique, you're not going to be doing as much possible damage without good gear. Attack speed should generally increase. But with higher level gear that is heavier/harder to wield, it should also take your attack speed back a little.


At Master level, you are at the pinnacle of your effectiveness. Again, attack speed should increase. Damage should maybe recieve a little buff (.2% more).


Well, Im done with ideas for now. Maybe, later I'll come back with some ideas for blocking.



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If novice spells are made weak, then mages will be at a severe disadvantage in allmost every situation.


Instead, I plan on making all spells useful, so that your flames or shock spells will have a use even during later levels. The novice spells may have drastically different utility effects though (in fact, pretty much every destruction spell will probably get a utility effect under certain conditions, be it longer burning, panicking the enemies, stunning them, throwing them around etc.)


I plan to balance the incredible damage potential of magical spells with longer casting times, increased magicka cost etc. So mages will be able to obliterate enemies, if they do not miss, but they won't be able to spam spells. Magicka will have to be carefully managed, appropriate spells used etc. - a prepared mage should have no equal when it comes to killing things. But a suprised or unprepared one should have no equal when it comes to getting impaled on a sharp bit of metal.


Like with melee and ranged combat, magic combat should impart a sense of danger to the player as well as a sense of empowerment. When you lash out at an enemy with deadly strands of electric discharges, they should not just shrug it off like nothing happened, just like they shouldn't just shrug it off if they get hit with an arrow to the face. So the idea is to make the player feel like they're wielding power, while at the same time keeping things challenging, and removing the exploits currently available to mages in the vanilla game (stagger-lock primarily).

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Not sure if it has been mentioned but give a salt pile more use than just cooking and alchemy. Food spoils. Meat faster than fruits. And bread gets stale and moldy. Give linen wraps a purpose along with the salt piles to preserve food. That is how humans preserved food before transportable ice. Also if you are in a cold environment and your food is not well preserved it can get frozen and would require a camp fire to reheat.


Also would it possible to have a different skin or something along those lines for animals that have been killed and have been cut open for meat or they have been skinned. Think Red Dead Redemption. Also have animals rot for a mild time of ingame hours and make their meat not edible once they have started to rot.


Allow trading with pretty much any NPC that is open to be friendly.


Starving over the period of days will make your charachter lose weight like in the character builder and not be able to carry as much. To get back to full or desired weight you will have to eat lots of meat over the course of a game weeks/month.


Have the ability to use weapons on top of horses. If anything let us use bows while on horseback. I can understand using melee weapons would be tricky but I cannot see archery being that hard. Obviously you will lose direct control over your horse once you pull out your bow and use both hands but also make it harder to hit a target when moving on horseback. Like make it require skill and make hunting fun. Give the ability to have your companion also have a horse. They are not my slave (well maybe a housecarl is) but I would like them to have a horse. This will be especially needed if we make the main player get exhausted after running and sprinting a lot in a short period of time. That is what your companion does all day! That does not add up. Horses require food (lol apples) and rest. Can't run them to the ground unless that is your style... then the horse dies. Anyway to make the game first person only including when you are on the horse or at least have the option. I could go on all day about how useless the horses are in skyrim. Maybe later.


Oh and horse armor. I know that it is somewhat of a joke in the ES series cause of Oblivion but horses need it.




I will think of more.

Edited by TheCommodore
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wow very ambicous respect! good luck!



the only thing i like to suggest is to have visual wounds after you take a hit or two. then if you dont attend them quickly after combat, you'll get a scar forever.

maybe 1 per limb and 2 torso front and back. so you might end up totally scared if your not careful and your pretty char might end up pretty ugly ;)

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Concerning mounted combat - this has been done for Oblivion, but in my opinion not in a very satisfactory fashion, which is understandable given the engine limitations. As far as Skyrim goes, I find that horses are only marginally more maneuverable than in Oblivion and their responses and physics are totally off, as usual. So I would consider adding mounted combat only if it turns out to be possible to overhaul the way horses behave in general.


Now, given the way the Skyrim engine works when it comes to horses, which is a far cry from the fluidity of such excellent mounted combat games as Mount & Blade, I doubt that mounted combat can be done in a way which wouldn't feel like it's just tacked on. Not only that, but if I give something to the player, I have to give it to the NPC's as well, so not only the player should have the ability to attack from the saddle, but should also face mounted enemies as well.


IF there is room for drastic improvement in that regard, then I'll definitely consider adding mounted combat for later releases of the mod. Otherwise, there are bound to be a few mods to add mounted combat on their own, so I can perhaps take some time to make TRO compatible, if they turn out to be fun.

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Is it possible to make actual cities? I feel that the cities and towns of this game are extremely underpopulated and need an actual population. Winterhold as well, it's a college no? Thus, there should be many students running around to get to class. The current class consists of wat? 4 students? lol


I realize this is an extreme undertaking, I have no knowledge of programming whatsoever, but when it comes to pencil and paper, I am more than capable. I like to draw, so creating armor, characters is quite enjoyable for me. If anyone plans to do something like this, I am more than willing to help, this coming semester I have off so I will have plenty of time to devote to this.


Manshooter, I love what you have planned, but it would be nice if you had an actual team to tackle this huge project. Like many others, I simply don't have the know-how to "mod." :( :( :(

Edited by rurutia8
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To expand cities you would need to spend a significant amount of time in the Creation Set, even if you only used existing art assets. If you wanted new buildings and assets, then it gets a lot harder, since it requires full production from 3D modeling, texturing and rigging etc. It certainly can be done, but is a bit outside the scope of this mod.


Also, this mod may seem huge, but at least 50% of it is in numbers only, so it doesn't require as much time and effort as making new art assets, animations, sounds etc. - so I feel capable of tackling it on my own (and I work more efficiently that way since I can have a rigorous schedule).


If I turn out to be mistaken, I'll ask for help, no worries. :)

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To expand cities you would need to spend a significant amount of time in the Creation Set, even if you only used existing art assets. If you wanted new buildings and assets, then it gets a lot harder, since it requires full production from 3D modeling, texturing and rigging etc. It certainly can be done, but is a bit outside the scope of this mod.


Also, this mod may seem huge, but at least 50% of it is in numbers only, so it doesn't require as much time and effort as making new art assets, animations, sounds etc. - so I feel capable of tackling it on my own (and I work more efficiently that way since I can have a rigorous schedule).


If I turn out to be mistaken, I'll ask for help, no worries. :)


I freaking hope so, this mod is mostly awesome. I look forward to the numbers being crunched in initial releases so we get our lovely damage sorted out :D

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I don't know if this has been stated (read probably 75% of thread), but the fact that all the generic NPCs mostly sound the same. It's like talking to a bunch of robots, and robots dont bleed realism! I had the same problem with Oblivion. There was a clever mod that varied the pitch of all NPCs and it did wonders to make each NPC feel more like unique individuals.


If you can do something like that, it would go a long way.


Another topic that has probably been brought up is not having the whole world level up with you. It makes sense that we are not the only ones to improve, but not right along with us. It would make more sense if it happened regardless of what I was doing. I can get to Riverwood and decide to spend most of my days chopping wood, improving my archery and training before I even think of heading out on the road or the barrows.


I just sparked myself an idea :dance: haha.....what if training is more dynamic? I love the idea of learning from experienced characters/masters of the trade, but nothing is less realistic than to just spend money and get better, phantom trained.... I think all trainers having a training mini game would be AWESOME. Just add a target by an archery trainer, and training with melee fighters being a little spar session. I don't know how hard this would be, but it is just an idea and would make training so much fun, realistic, and immersive. No extra dialog would have to take place...the training option could be more descriptive, like "Train/Spar" or "Train/Target Practice."


What do you think? Is it possible?

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I don't know if this has been stated (read probably 75% of thread), but the fact that all the generic NPCs mostly sound the same. It's like talking to a bunch of robots, and robots dont bleed realism! I had the same problem with Oblivion. There was a clever mod that varied the pitch of all NPCs and it did wonders to make each NPC feel more like unique individuals.


If you can do something like that, it would go a long way.


Another topic that has probably been brought up is not having the whole world level up with you. It makes sense that we are not the only ones to improve, but not right along with us. It would make more sense if it happened regardless of what I was doing. I can get to Riverwood and decide to spend most of my days chopping wood, improving my archery and training before I even think of heading out on the road or the barrows.


I just sparked myself an idea :dance: haha.....what if training is more dynamic? I love the idea of learning from experienced characters/masters of the trade, but nothing is less realistic than to just spend money and get better, phantom trained.... I think all trainers having a training mini game would be AWESOME. Just add a target by an archery trainer, and training with melee fighters being a little spar session. I don't know how hard this would be, but it is just an idea and would make training so much fun, realistic, and immersive. No extra dialog would have to take place...the training option could be more descriptive, like "Train/Spar" or "Train/Target Practice."


What do you think? Is it possible?

There is a woman (I forgot exactly where) that lives up high on a mountain in the Falkreath hold just south of Falkreath I believe and she will give you an archery minigame where you have to hit targets in a certain amount of time. You get 5 levels of archery and you don't have to pay just perform. I think her name is Angie.

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